Yes, IOWA PUBLIC PRETENDER/DEFENDER you are a Defendant! Motion to Dismiss and shut down the BAR

5 months ago

Update and Compare Tyrone, Noah, Shaunel, Brads, Luanne, Lee, and our case and what pattern do you see? BLUF: Why dont the USA INC Employees especially the Judges, Attorneys, Public Defenders/Pretenders, Sheriff's Office, Comptrollers, Admiral and Generals NOT give me their oath? No oath, means you cannot work in our NATION!
As per 28 USC 3002 section 884, your Charter, your rules [you dont follow], the Charter of the Forest and GODs Natural Law, get GONE!
BLUF: Thy enemy is not overseas, thy enemy in our own backyard make bank off our BID BOND and Strawman.
Pay attention to the USA INC especially the Jesuit Judges, Public Pretenders/Defenders, Court Clerks and Sheriff's Department!
What a 60 Tillion BID BOND/Straw man Scam! How many men, women, veterans, and children have they killed, tortured and ruined just for a buck!

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