Reality with Bruce de Torres 34 Jeremy Hammond

7 months ago

Reality with Bruce de Torres 34 Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy R. Hammond is an independent journalist and author who exposes propaganda meant to manufacture consent for criminal government policies. He can be followed at

We discussed:

9/11’s official story made no sense. (Jeremy: our government had foreknowledge of 9/11. Bruce: it was an inside job.) No question that the collapse of Building 7 was a controlled demolition. 9/11 was allowed to happen to advance the neo-con agenda, including the Iraq war. Investigation led Jeremy to our Middle East foreign policy, central to which is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The government and media portray the US as an honest broker seeking peace for Israel and the Palestinians. “Nothing could be further from the truth.” The US really acts as Isael’s defender and advocate. Rather than pursue the two-state solutions, the US peace process always BLOCKS its implementation.

“Most of what people think they know about the conflict just isn’t true, because we’re inundated constantly with Zionist propaganda narratives.” Our military aid to Israel and Egypt is basically a subsidy to our military-industrial complex. Our media manufactures consent for US support of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. “Israel was established (in 1948) by ethnically cleansing most of the Arab population from their homes in Palestine.”

To understand the deception, one must understand the results of Israel’s 1967 war and UN Resolution 242, which said, per international law, that Israel must withdraw from the land it had seized from the Palestinians and others, back to the armistice lines of 1949, which are not borders. (To this day, Israel doesn’t technically meet the criteria for statehood under the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, because it doesn’t have legally defined borders.) Israel is in violation of UN Resolution 242. “Without US support, Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians could not continue.”

The peace process had Palestinians negotiating for how much land and sovereignty they might regain from ILLEGAL OCCUPIERS, contrary to the requirements of international law. In 1988 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to the two-state solution, a huge concession, since it would have given them only 22% of their historic land from which they had been expelled.

RFK Jr’s support of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza has cost him support, including Jeremy’s. (Bruce, while pushing Kennedy for president, can’t stand his support of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, but hears Kennedy seeming more compassionate lately, talking about ending the violence in Gaza.)

Israel subjected its own people to the experimental Covid shots, seen by many as a crime against humanity, revealing more of the true malevolent nature of the Israeli regime. Jeremy has written a ton of articles about how God-awful the shots are.

There are a lot of adverse events from the Covid shots that have been covered up, neurological harms, cardiovascular harms, and “original antigenic sin,” which Jeremy defines. We’ve seen no research about the risk of death from the shots, no proof of their safety, just declarations that they are safe. There are no studies of “long-term health outcomes including all-cause mortality between people who are vaccinated according to recommendations and people who are totally unvaccinated. They won’t do those studies.”

“They’re not really regulatory agencies. It’s not so much that the US government regulates and oversees the vaccine industry. The US government IS the vaccine industry. And you can go back to the 1986 law … the vaccine industry might not even be around today were it not for the US government granting them broad legal immunity against vaccine injury lawsuits.”

(Bruce: the Covid shots have left a trail of dead and injured. See Edward Dowd’s book, CAUSE UNKNOWN: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.)

Children’s Health Defense, Kennedy’s organization, from which he is on leave to run for president, is a main source for good content with links to sources. Also:

ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network, Del Bigtree’s organization … like CHD, really phenomenal work, especially on the legal front, lawsuits, FOIA requests, and The Brownstone Institute (, and, the non-profit founded by Dr. Meryl Nass.

We also discussed the apparent hopelessness of our situation, the corruption that seems embedded throughout our government and society, its malevolence, and what we might be able to do to save ourselves and restore freedom and the honoring of our rights. “We don’t have a government. It’s a criminal organization.” One of the goals of the Constitution was to strictly limit the power of the federal government. We have nothing like that today. The government does whatever it wants, then retrospectively says its action are legal because it says they are.

The Supreme Court saying we can be forced to buy something against our will, insurance per The Affordable Care Act, is outright authoritarianism. Statehood is the fallacy that prevents us from evolving into a civilized society. Things as corrupt as our institutions cannot stand. They must collapse. At some point, will we as a species become civilized?

Many are talking about not only the harms of the Covid shots but also the harms of the childhood vaccine schedule. See the book, TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN: Vaccine Science and Myth, which shows how none of the shots on the childhood vaccine schedule have proof that they are safe; rather, they are fairly shown to do more harm than good.

But the fight is far from over. Vaccine advocate Peter Hotez recently said vaccine hesitancy is “aggression,” a national security issue, and perhaps the Department of Homeland Security should deal with “anti-vaxxers” as dangerous to society. And researchers see evidence that a bird flu scamdemic will be inflicted on us this fall.

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