The Obedient Goyim.. Don't they indeed look just like Jewish 'co-in-laws'.. cozy as cozy can be?

7 months ago

Trump: 'If we win, it'll be very simple, it's all gonna work out and very quickly.. If we don't we're gonna end up with major wars in the Middle East and maybe a third World War'.. Trump spouts some obvious, crass and unimaginative doublespeak to reassure his Jewish Zionist masters surrounding him at his Mar-a-Lago resort.. Don't they indeed look just like Jewish 'co-in-laws'.. cozy as cozy can be? Truly this is not a scene that depicts any kind of diplomatic equality.. it is definitely no meeting of equals.. Rather it's a scene that betrays the reality of the power dynamic. Donald 'America First' Trump sits there steeped in humiliation, the flag of a foreign entity towering over him, its leaders quite literally encircling him like vultures.. Imagine actually believing that this man is a 'Nationalist'.. I'm sorry to break it to you, America, but when Trump says 'We' he is most certainly not talking about you.. Trump was shocked when Netanyahu became the first world leader to congratulate Pedojoe on his election win but just remember how docile and obedient and unquestioning Trump was afterwards and y'all understand..

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