US no longer has a shipbuilding industry

7 months ago

Video: US no longer has a shipbuilding industry. But now there is big money in attacking China for an industry US does not even have 美國不再有造船業。但現在有大筆資金攻擊中國來保護美國造船業! 保護個x?

The United States lost its entire shipbuilding industry to Japan and Korea decades ago. But now that China has taken the biggest markets from the Japanese and the Koreans, our NGO's and think-tanks are framing the loss of American shipbuilding as a national security issue.

How our NGO's are funded and by whom, along with the activities of our major labor unions and key Washington officials, are a well-organized and -coordinated system to use "national security" as a vehicle to bring tens of billions of dollars to our own defense contractors and to multibillion-dollar companies in other countries. This formula is being applied here, in the case of civilian shipbuilding, for the benefit of industrial giants from Japan and Korea, along with rent-seeking US labor unions for a domestic industry that doesn't exist.

幾十年前,美國將整個造船業輸給了日本和韓國。 但現在中國已經從日本和韓國手中奪走了最大的市場,我們的非政府組織和智庫正在將美國造船業的損失視為國家安全問題。

我們的非政府組織如何獲得資助、由誰提供資金,以及我們主要工會和華盛頓主要官員的活動,是一個組織良好、協調一致的系統,利用「國家安全」作為工具,為我們帶來數百億美元自己的國防承包商以及其他國家價值數十億美元的公司。 這個公式在這裡被應用到民用造船業,以造福日本和韓國的工業巨頭,以及尋租的美國工會,為一個不存在的國內產業服務.

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