04 09 22 livestreamed on 27 07 24 PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH -Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!

7 months ago

Through David and Lindsay Griffiths:

Psalm 107:1-6 Authorized (King James) Version

1 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good:
for his mercy endureth for ever.
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
3 and gathered them out of the lands,
from the east, and from the west,
from the north, and from the south.

4 They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way;
they found no city to dwell in.
5 Hungry and thirsty,
their soul fainted in them.
6 Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them out of their distresses.

God is building spiritual arks throughout the country for people to come and escape the vagrancies of the god of this world and bring the conditions for the greatest revival ever! What we read here we prophesy for the coming months, the conditions being brought for the greatest revival ever - come on board!

Are you coming?

Part 1: Prayer & Intercession through E M Lindsay Griffiths

Part 2: LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO! - David P Griffiths by the Spirit reveals

Part 3: Congregation Hymn Sing - Lindsay

Part 4 - Tithes and Offerings.

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Cheques written to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES", 23-27 George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS.Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.

Love to hear from you ....... ecctv4219@gmail.com

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