JH3: Nonsensical News of Societal Willful Self-Destruction (LIVE from Upstate NY)

7 months ago

Reupload due to a glitch in the playback. Rumble is Crumble.
This is still active until my daughter and I return. I have been streaming from my late grandfather's apartment on the bottom floor of my mom's house. It's been rough at times, and last night I was looking at my grandfather's old medications and getting sad and mad at the Allopathic idiots who did him in. I cried pretty hard thinking he may not have had to suffer all these years, and may still be here with us to see his great granddaughter grow up. If you want to assist my little family here is a method: https://www.gofundme.com/f/7vvgt-journey-home
Tuesday we covered the shot barely heard around the rally even though it allegedly passed through an ear. Today we'll talk about the nature of deception, the level liars will go to, how many layers deep these lies can be, and identify the liars themselves...
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We made our way Saturday, and I will try to broadcast from my parent's home while I visit. I hope all of you are doing AWESOME! Stay in touch on Telegram: https://t.me/BaalBustersStudios and GET a Login for https://FTJMedia.com/channel/BaalBusters

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KEEP the SHOW Going! Visit: https://givesendgo.com/BaalBusters
https://FTJMedia.com/channel/BaalBusters and Rumble.

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