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Redemption and Eternal Salvation...Correction of erroneous Notions ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 31
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Redemption and Eternal Salvation
The Third Testament Chapter 31
Revelations of Jesus Christ
The Correction of erroneous Notions regarding Redemption
Thus saith the Lord:
1. Many men have accepted the idea that all the tears of this world have been caused by the sins of its first inhabitants, and in their inability to properly interpret the parable they have come to say that Christ came to wash away all stains with his blood. If this affirmation were true, then why, in spite of the already consummated sacrifice, would men continue to sin and suffer?
2. Jesus came to earth to show men the road to perfection, a road He pointed out with His life, His words, and His deeds. (150, 43 – 44)
3. All will reach the goal according to the fulfillment of your mission; for that purpose I have come to deliver My teachings, which are inexhaustible, in order for you to ascend the ladder of your development. It is not My blood that will save you, but it is My light within your spirit that will redeem you. (8, 39)
4. I will be given a new cross in this Third Era. It will not be visible to mortal eyes but, from its height I will send My message of love to humanity; and My blood, the essence of My Word, will be converted into light for the spirit.
5. Those who judged Me in times past have repented today, giving light with their spirits to the hearts of men, as restitution for their mistakes.
6. Before My doctrine triumphs over the wickedness of men, it must be whipped and mocked, just as Christ suffered on the cross. My light must emerge from every wound, to illuminate the darkness of this world that lacks love. My invisible blood must be poured out over humanity to once again show it the path to its redemption. (49, 17 – 19)
7. I tell you once again, in Me all humanity will be saved. The blood shed on Calvary is life for the spirit, but it is not in the blood itself, which fell to the dust of the earth, but rather the Divine love that it represents. Now, when I speak to you of My blood, you know what meaning it holds.
8. Many men have spilled their blood in the service of the Lord and for love of their brothers, but this has not represented the Divine love, only the spiritual, human love.
9. The blood of Jesus represents Divine love because it bore no stain; in the Master there was never any sin, and of His blood He gave even the last drop to make you comprehend that God is everything for His creatures, that for them He gives Himself completely, because He loves them infinitely.
10. If the dust of the earth drank the liquid that sustained life in the body of the Master, it was so that you would understand that My Doctrine would fertilize the lives of men by the Divine watering with its love, wisdom, and justice.
11. The world, incredulous and skeptical of the words and examples of the Master, disputes My teaching, saying that Jesus shed his blood to save mankind from sin, but that in spite of it, the world has not been saved; it sins more every day in spite of its continued development.
12. “Where, then, is the power of that blood of redemption?” men ask, while those who should be teaching the true concepts of My Doctrine do not know how to satisfy the questions of those hungry for the light and thirsty for the truth.
13. I tell you, in this era, the questions of those who do not know have a better basis and more sense than the answers and explanations given to them by those who say they know the truth.
14. I have come once again to speak to you, and here you have My words for those who think that this blood achieved the salvation of the sinners before the Divine justice, that it saved all who were lost and condemned to torment.
15. I tell you, if the Father, who knows all, had believed that humanity would not understand and make use of all the words and works that Jesus gave to them, truly, He would never have sent Him, for the Creator has never done anything unnecessary, nothing that is not destined to bear fruit. And if He sent Jesus to be born, to grow, and to die among men, it was so that the radiant and fertile life of the Master would remain to mark an imperishable path; an indelible track, so that all His children would find the way that leads them to true love, and that complying with His Doctrine leads them to the homestead where their Creator awaits them.
16. He knew also that the blood that bears witness to purity and infinite love, upon being shed to the very last drop, would teach humanity to complete the mission that will raise them to the Promised Land, with faith in their Creator, wherupon presenting their fulfillment, they may say: “Lord, it is finished.”
17. Now I can tell you that it was not the hour of the shedding of My blood on the cross that marked the moment of human redemption. My blood remains here, in the present world, alive, fresh, tracing with the bloody mark of My passion the path of your restitution that will allow you to gain the dwelling that your Father has promised you.
18. I have told you: I am the source of life, come and wash away your stains, so that you may walk free and safe to your Father and Creator.
19. My fountain is that of love, it is inexhaustible and infinite; this is what My blood shed in times past speaks of; it sealed My Word and confirmed My Doctrine. (158, 23 – 33)
20. Now, many centuries after those events, I tell you that in spite of Jesus having spilled his blood for all humanity, only those who have followed the path that Jesus came to show you have achieved salvation, while those who have persisted in their ignorance and fanaticism, their errors, their sin, are not yet saved.
21. I have told you that, were I to make Myself man a thousand times over, dying a thousand times upon the cross, all while humanity does not rise to follow me, it will not have achieved its salvation; it is not My cross which will save you, but your own. I bore mine on My back, upon it I died as a man, and in that instant I was in the bosom of the Father. You must imitate Me in meekness and love, bearing your cross on your own backs with true humility until you reach the end of your mission, so that you too may come to be with your Father.
22. There are none who do not wish to find happiness, and the more lasting, the better, because I come to show you a path that leads to the supreme and eternal happiness. Nevertheless, I merely show you the way and leave you to choose that which pleases you most.
23. I ask you: If you wish for happiness, why do you not sow it, so that you may harvest it later? How few there are who have felt the impulse to be there for all men! (169, 37 – 38)
24. The ideas you have of the meaning of life on earth, of what the spirit is, and of what the spiritual valley is, are mistaken.
25. The majority of believers think that by living with a certain righteousness, and repenting in the final moments of their life of the mistakes they have made, they have secured heaven for their spirits.
26. This misconception blinding men does not permit them to persevere throughout their lives in compliance with the law, and causes their spirits, when they leave this world and arrive in the spiritual valley, to find themselves in a place where they do not behold the marvels they had imagined, nor feel the supreme happiness to which they claim to have a right.
27. Do you know what happens to those beings that felt sure of reaching heaven, but instead find only confusion? Upon no longer inhabiting the earth, now lacking the central support provided by their physical shell, and being unable to ascend to the heights where the realms of the spiritual light are found, without realizing it, they create for themselves a world that is neither human nor profoundly spiritual.
28. That is when the spirits ask: “Is this the glory? Is this the homestead provided by God for the spirits after such a long journey on earth?”
29. “No,” say others; “This cannot be the bosom of the Lord, where only light, love, and purity may exist.”
30. Slowly, through meditation and pain, the spirit begins to comprehend. It understands the Divine justice, and illuminated by the light of its conscience, judges its past works, and finds them to have been miserable and imperfect, not worthy of the reward He had expected.
31. It is then, upon this self-reflection, that humility appears, and the desire to return to the paths abandoned, to erase the shameful stains incurred, to rectify the mistakes, and to earn true merit before the Father.
32. It is necessary to explain these things to humanity, so that all men may understand that the material life is an opportunity for them to earn merit for their spirits, merit which elevates them until they are deserving of dwelling upon a higher spiritual plane, whereupon they must once again earn merit in order to avoid becoming stagnant, and to continue climbing, step by step, for: “In My Father’s house are many mansions.”
33. These merits you earn through love, as the eternal law of the Father has told you. And thus, Step to step upon the ladder of perfection, your spirit shall develop and learn of the path that leads to glory, to true glory, the perfection of the spirit. (184, 40 – 45)
34. Truly, I tell you: If I had come as a man during this era, your eyes would still have had to witness My fresh and bleeding wounds, for the sins of men have not ceased, nor have they wished to redeem themselves in memory of the blood shed by Me on Calvary as a proof of My love for humanity. But I have come in spirit, so that you may avoid the affront of beholding the work of those who judged and sentenced Me on earth.
35. All is forgiven, but in every spirit exists some of what I spilled for all upon the cross; do not believe that that breath and blood will be diluted or lost, for they represented the spiritual life that I poured forth to all men in that moment. What is more, because of the blood that sealed My Word and confirmed what I said and did on this earth, men will develop ever higher as they yearn for the regeneration of their spirits.
36. My Word, My works, and My blood were not, and will not be in vain. If, on occasion, it seems to you that My name and My Word are almost forgotten, you will see how they rise once again, full of life, vigor, and purity, like a seed that, in spite of being continually combated, never dies. (321, 64 – 66)
37. The blood of Jesus transformed into the light of redemption continues entering the spirits as salvation. My Spirit is eternally giving salvation and light, continuously penetrating the dark places with the rays of My light. Every moment My Divine Spirit is being spilled, not as human blood, but as the power of salvation and spiritual life, over all My children. (319, 36)
“Heaven” must be earned
38. Dominated by the forces of their lower passions, men have descended so deeply into their sinfulness that they have lost all hope for salvation; but there is not one who cannot be saved. For the spirit will arise once it is convinced that human turmoil will not cease for as long as it does not listen to the voice of its conscience, fulfilling My law until the end of its destiny, which is not on earth, but in eternity.
39. Those who believe that their existence is absurd and that their struggles and suffering are pointless, fail to realize that life is the teacher that molds and pain the chisel that perfects. Do not think that I created pain to offer it to you in a cup. Do not think that I have made you fall. Man fell into disobedience by himself, and for that reason He must raise himself up by his own effort. And think not that only pain will perfect you either, no, you will also come to Me by practicing love, for I am love. (31, 54 – 55)
40. Pray more with the spirit than the body, for to save yourselves merely an instant of prayer or a day of love are not sufficient, but rather a life of perseverance, of patience, of elevated works, and compliance with My commandments. For this I have given you great powers and senses.
41. My work is like an ark of salvation that invites all to enter. All who comply with My laws shall not perish. If you allow yourselves to be guided by My Word, you will be saved. (123, 30 – 31)
42. Keep in mind that only what is perfect reaches Me; therefore, your spirit will enter My Kingdom only when it has attained perfection. You emerged from Me without experience, but you shall return to Me adorned with the garment of your merits and virtues. (63, 22)
43. Truly, I say to you: The spirits of the just who dwell near God, gained the right to occupy that place by their own deeds, not because I gave it to them; I only showed them the way, and at the end of it, I revealed to them the reward.
44. Blessed are those who say to Me: “Father, you are the way, the light that illuminates it and the strength for the traveler. You are the voice that indicates the course and encourages us along the journey, and You are also the reward for him who reaches the end”. Yes, My children, I am the life and the resurrection of the dead. (63, 74 – 75)
45. Today the Father will not ask: Who can and is willing to rescue humanity with his blood? Nor will Jesus answer: “Lord, I am the Lamb willing to mark the path of restitution for mankind with My blood.”
46. Nor shall I send My Word to be made flesh in this era, for that time has passed for you, and it left its teaching and elevation in your spirit. Now I have heralded a new stage in spiritual advancement, in which it shall be you who earn merits. (80, 8 – 9)
47. I want you all to be happy, in peace, and inhabiting the light, so that you may come to possess all, not only through My love, but also through your merits, for it is then that your satisfaction and happiness will be complete. (245, 34)
48. I came to show you the beauty of a life higher than the human life, to inspire you to do elevated works, to teach you the word that provides abundant love, and proclaim to you the unknown happiness, that which awaits the spirit that has known how to climb the mountain of sacrifice, of faith, and love.
49. All of this you shall recognize in My Teaching, so that at last you may understand it is your works that bring your spirit closer to true happiness. (287, 48 – 49)
50. If, to travel from one continent of the earth to another, you must cross high and low mountains, seas, towns, cities and countries, to reach your journey’s destination, think that to reach the Promised Land you must travel far, so that, on your long journey, you gather experience, knowledge, and the development of the spirit. That shall be the fruit of the tree of life, which you shall finally come to enjoy after having struggled and wept so much to reach it. (287, 16)
51. You are children of the Father of Light, yet if, through your weakness, you have fallen into the darkness of a life full of trouble, error, and tears, these sorrows shall pass, because you will rise to My voice when I call to you, saying: “I am here, illuminating your world and inviting you to scale the mountain upon whose peak you shall find all peace, happiness, and the wealth that you have sought to gather on earth in vain. (308, 5)
52. Each world, every dwelling place, was created so that therein the spirits would develop and take a step towards their Creator, and thus, continually advancing along the road of perfection, someday arriving spotless, pure and well-molded at the end of their journey: The peak of spiritual perfection, to inhabit the Kingdom of God.
53. To whom does it seem impossible to dwell in the bosom of God? Oh you poor minds that do not know how to reflect! Have you already forgotten that you sprang forth from My bosom? That you once dwelled there? It is not strange that all that were born of the source of life will return to it in due time.
54. Every spirit, upon being born of Me, was pure, yet later down the line many became stained; nonetheless, all being foreseen by Me in a wise, loving, and just manner, I went ahead to put all the means necessary for your salvation and regeneration along the road that My children must travel.
55. If that spiritual purity was profaned by many beings, the day will come in which they, purifying themselves of all their faults, reacquire their original purity, and this purification will be very meritorious in My eyes, for their spirits will have achieved this through great and incessant trials of their faith, their love, their faithfulness, and their patience.
56. You all will return along the road of work, struggle, and pain to the Kingdom of Light, where you will no longer need to be made flesh in a human body, nor inhabit a material world, for by then your spiritual reach will permit you to make your influence felt and send your light from one world to another. (313, 21 – 24)
The most powerful Force for Redemption
57. Here then is the path, travel along it and you will be saved. Truly, I say to you: It is not necessary to have listened to Me during this period to attain salvation; everyone who, throughout his existence, practices My Divine Law of love, the love inspired in the Creator and resulting in love towards his fellow man, will be saved; He will give testimony of Me in his life and with his deeds. (63, 49)
58. If the sun radiates the light of life across all nature, over all creatures, and if the stars too radiate light to the earth, why then should the Divine Spirit not radiate light over the spirit of man?
59. I come now to tell you: Humanity, let the light of justice originating from love extend across all the world. Let My truth persuade you that, without true love, you will not achieve salvation. (89, 34 – 35)
60. My light is for all My children, not only for you who dwell in this world, but also for the spirits who inhabit different mansions. All of them will be liberated and resurrected to an eternal life when, with their deeds of love towards their brethren, they will fulfill My Divine Commandment, which demands that you love one another. (65, 22)
61. Beloved people, this is the third day on which I come to resurrect My Word among the dead. This is the Third Era, in which I appear to the world in spiritual form to tell you: This is the same Christ you saw expire upon the cross that now comes to speak to you, because He lives, and shall live and be forever.
62. In contrast, I see that men, in spite of their religions that claim to be telling the truth, bear hearts dead to faith, and dead to love and light. They believe that by praying in their temples and attending their rites, their salvation is assured; yet I tell you that the world must know that salvation can only be achieved by the accomplishment of acts of love and compassion.
63. The gathering places are merely a school, the religions must not be limited to explaining the law alone; they must ensure that humanity understands that life is the road along which they must apply what they have learned of the Divine Law, putting My Doctrine of love into practice. (152, 50 – 52)
64. Christ made himself man to show Divine love to the world, but men are hard of heart and stubborn, they soon forget the lesson shown and interpret it erroneously. I knew that humanity would come to confuse justice and love with vengeance and punishment, that is why I announced a time that I would return spiritually to the world, to explain to humanity the lessons that it had failed to understand.
65. The announced time is that in which you now live, and I have given you My teaching to manifest My Divine Justice and wisdom as a perfect lesson of the sublime love of your God. Did you think I came out of fear that men would destroy the works of their Lord, or life itself? No, I come only out of love for My children, whom I wish to see filled with light and peace.
66. Truly, is it not just that you too come to Me out of love alone? Yet, not out of love for yourselves, but of the love of the Father and your brothers. Do you believe that He who flees from sin only out of fear of torment, or He who does good works thinking only of the prize that might await him upon securing a place in eternity, is inspired by Divine Love? He who thinks like this does not know Me; He does not come to Me out of love, but works only out of love for himself. (164, 35 – 37)
67. All My law is summarized in two commandments: Love of God, and love of your fellow men: That is the path. (234, 4)
Salvation and Redemption for each and every Spirit
68. This time I have not come to raise the dead in body, as I did with Lazarus during the Second Era, today My light comes to lift the spirits of those that belong to Me. And these will arise with the truth of My Word to an eternal life, for your spirit is the Lazarus which you carry within your being today, and which I will resurrect and heal. (17, 52)
69. The Spiritual Realm is also governed by laws, and when you part from them, very soon you feel the painful consequences of that disobedience.
70. Behold how great is My yearning to save you; today, as during that time, I shall carry the cross to raise you up towards the true life.
71. If My blood shed on Calvary touched the heart of mankind and converted them to My Doctrine, during this time it will be My Divine Light that will shake the spirit and the flesh, to bring you back to the true path.
72. I want those who have died to the life of grace to live eternally; I do not want your spirit to dwell in darkness. (69, 9 – 10)
73. Realize how many of your brothers await the coming of the Messiah in the bosom of idolatry. See how many, in their ignorance, believe that I will come only to dispense My justice upon the wicked, to save the righteous, and destroy the world, without knowing that I am among men as Father, Master, Brother, and Friend, full of love and humility, extending My compassion to save, bless, and forgive all. (170, 23)
74. No one has been born by chance, and no matter how humble, awkward or small he believes himself to be, he has been created by the grace of the Supreme Being, who loves him as much as anyone else, even those whom He considers superior to himself; he has a destiny that will take him, like all others, to the bosom of God.
75. Do you see those men who cross the streets like outcasts, dragging along their vice and misery, not knowing who they are nor where they are going? Do you know of men who still dwell in jungles surrounded by beasts? Not one of them is forgotten by My compassion; all of them have a mission to fulfill, all of them possess the seed of development, and they are on the path along which their merits, effort and struggles will guide the spirit step to step, to Me.
76. Is there anyone who has not wished for My peace, even if it were only for an instant, longing to liberate himself from this earthly life? Every spirit feels homesick for the world he had previously inhabited, for the home where he was born. That world awaits all of My children, inviting them to enjoy the eternal life that some wish for, while others merely wait for death, to cease to be, because they bear a confused spirit and live without hope and faith. What could encourage these beings to fight for their regeneration? What could awaken within them the longing for eternity? They only await nonexistence, the silence and the end.
77. However, the light of the world, the way and the life have returned to resurrect you with My forgiveness, to caress your fatigued brow, to comfort your heart and make the one who felt unworthy of living listen to My voice, which says to him: I love you, come to Me! (80, 54 – 57)
78. Men may fall and sink into darkness, and feel thereby distant from Me, they may believe that when they die, all is finished for them; yet, to Me, none die, and not one is lost.
79. How many there are who lived as perverse beings in this world, but who today are filled with light! How many who left in their wake the stain of their sins, their vices, and their crimes, have already achieved purification. (287, 9 – 10)
80. It is true that many continue to stain their spirits, but do not judge them, for they do not know what they do. I will save them as well. It does not matter that they have now forgotten Me or replaced Me with false gods that they have created in the world. Them too shall I take to My Kingdom, even if, because they now follow false prophets, they have forgotten the gentle Christ who gave His live to teach them His Doctrine of love.
81. To the Father, no one is evil; no one can be evil, because all were born from Me. I granted My children the gift of free will, thus many of them have chosen to be rebellious, violent, and blind, committing mistakes. However, all of them will become spiritually enlightened, and My compassion will guide them along the path of redemption. (54, 45 – 46)
82. All of you are My seed, and the Master brings in the harvest; if among the good seed there are weeds, I take them with love in My hands, to transform them into golden wheat.
83. I see the seed of weeds in the hearts, of the mire, of crime and hatred; nonetheless, I gather them all and love them. This seed I caress and purify until it shines like wheat in the sun.
84. Do you believe that the power of My love is unable to redeem you? I will sow you after cleansing you, in My garden, where you shall bear new flowers and fruits. It is part of My Divine mission to make you worthy of Me. (256, 19 – 21)
85. How could I irredeemably lose a spirit if it bears within it a ray of My Light that can never be extinguished, and which accompanies it wherever it goes? No matter how long its stubbornness or confusion lasts, that darkness will never be as enduring as My eternity. (255, 60)
86. A being stained with traces of the most grievous errors purifying itself, inspired by an elevated ideal, and a being that has persevered in purity, having struggled until the end to avoid staining itself because it loved the light from the beginning; to Me both are equally meritorious.
87. How distant from the truth are those who believe that the disturbed spirits are of a different nature than that of the spirits of light!
88. The Father would be unjust if that were true, just as He would cease being the Almighty if He lacked the wisdom and love to save those who are stained, impure, or imperfect, and if He were unable to reunite them in one and the same homestead with the just. (295, 15 – 17)
89. Even those beings you call demons or tempters, I tell you, truly are nothing more than disturbed or imperfect spirits, of which the Father avails himself wisely to bring about his elevated designs and plans.
90. Yet those whose spirits are today enveloped in darkness, many of whom make wicked use of the gifts I have given them, shall be brought to safety by Me in due time.
91. For the moment shall come, oh Israel, when all the Lord’s creatures glorify Me for eternity. I would cease to be God, if with My power, My wisdom, and My love I could not save all spirits. (302, 31)
92. When have parents on this earth loved only their good children and detested their wicked ones? How many times have I seen them be tender and more solicitous precisely with those who most offend them and make them suffer? How could it be possible for you to perform works of love and forgiveness greater than My own? When has one seen the Master needing to learn from His disciples?
93. Know, therefore, that none are unworthy of Me, and that the road to salvation is always inviting you to follow it, just as the gates of My Kingdom, the light, peace, and good, are permanently open in anticipation of the arrival of those who have been far from the law and truth. (356, 18 – 19)
The glorious Future of the Children of God
94. I will not allow a single one of My children to be lost. I will convert those parasitic plants into fruitful ones, for all creatures have been created to reach a perfect goal.
95. I want you to rejoice with Me in My work; previously, I have already shared My characteristics with you because you are part of Me; If everything belongs to Me, I make you owners of My work as well. (9, 17 – 18)
96. Do not doubt My Word; during the First Era I fulfilled My promise to liberate Israel from the slavery in Egypt that symbolized idolatry and darkness, to bring you to Canaan, a land of freedom and worship of the living God. There My coming as a man was announced, and the prophecy was fulfilled, word for word, in Christ.
97. I, the Master who inhabited and loved you in Jesus, promised the world to speak to it in another time, to manifest Myself in Spirit; here you have the fulfillment of My promise.
98. Today I announce to you that I have reserved for you marvelous regions, dwellings, and spiritual mansions where you can find the true freedom to love, to do good, and to spread My light. Could you doubt it, after the fulfillment of My previous promises? (138, 10 – 11)
99. My Divine yearning is to save you and carry you to a world of light, beauty, and love, where you will live joyously by the elevation of the spirit, the nobility of the sentiments, and the ideal of perfection. What is more, do you not perceive in this Divine yearning My love as Father? Certainly, whoever cannot understand this must be blind. (181, 13)
100. Consider this! All the beauties of this world are destined to disappear and give way to others, but your spirit shall continue to live forever and behold the Father in all His splendor: the Father from whose bosom you sprang forth. All that is created must return to whence it came. (147, 9)
101. I am the light, the peace, and eternal happiness, and as you are My children, I both wish to, and must, make you partakers of My glory, and that is why I teach you the law as the path that leads the spirit to the heights of that Kingdom. (263, 36)
102. Keep always in mind that the spirit that reaches the elevated levels of goodness, wisdom, purity, and love, is beyond time, pain, and distances. It is not limited to inhabiting one place, for it can be everywhere, and find in all a supreme delight in existing, in feeling, in knowing, in loving and knowing it too is loved. That is the heaven of the spirit. (146, 70 – 71)
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