Pervywood Reveals The Dark Secrets of Hollywood

7 months ago

This fact-filled documentary, includes all episodes, 1-9, of Pervywood, This powerfully culminating documentary from Good Lion Films was directed, produced and written by Nick Alvear, exposes the dark side of Hollywood, which has been intentionally hidden from the public, of its extremely dark secrets. Prepare yourself, as you will learn just how nefarious Hollywood has become and how it is connected to Washington, D.C., religious organizations, etc.

The film discusses popular celebrities like Oprah, P. Diddy, Steve Colbert, etc. You will discover that Hollywood is full of stars, who the deep state enslaves, to use them however they please, especially to deceive the masses with stardom propaganda. This is 4 plus hour film, is full of dark secrets, such as satanism and child sex trafficking. It will definitely keep you sitting on the edge of your seat. So, get your drink and popcorn ready and be prepared to watch some disgusting information, as its truth will blow your mind.

Watch more films by Nick Alvear on Good Lion TV. Nick Alvear has made 55 films in the last 3 years and created a streaming platform to showcase these films. He's also produced 200+ episodes of Lion Disclosure, a deep dive episodic series that digs into the research surrounding many popular topics from CERN, Balenciaga, music acts like Avicci, Led Zeppelin, the Doors, and political topics such as Ghislaine Maxwell (and her own island), Justin Trudeau, Vaccine Genocide, and a series on Truther Heroes such as Isaac Kappy and more.

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