The REAL Rainbow Covenant Part 2 ! Dietary Shift, Respect for all Lifeforms and the Planet

7 months ago

The Rainbow Covenant Part 2 !
The Covenant was given to Noah after the flood, but it had also been given to Enoch too!

The expanded version of this covenant was given through revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. in the 1800s. Okay, Christians, don't cringe. Give it a chance!

The revelation is in line with other scriptures, including aspects of the Kosher diet, and the Word of Wisdom. It also has ramifications for abortion and other topics.

Scriptures mentioned in this video:

(Joseph Smith Translation found in the back of LDS Bibles) JST Genesis 9: 10-15

(Book of Mormon) 3 Nephi chapter 30

Exodus 23: 19

(Doctrine and Covenants) D&C 89 (Word of Wisdom section). Verses specifically mentioned are verses 12-13 and 18-21.

Ezekiel 4: 13-14
10 Day Vegan diet challenge mentioned in Daniel 1.

Re: Brigham Young / advisement against Pork eating (and general dietary Word of Wisdom):

Note: Although this video uses AI tech, the research, script, and picture selection was done by the Channel owner, a real human being.

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