who is making art based on somebody else's perspective

7 months ago

what is this chord vortex
even if it's bad we took a chance
this shit gets redundant
just accept that's life n you will be way more satisfied
men act just like women now
am i chewing gum cos that's what it sounds like
no not degeneracy but human decency
invalidation nation
nobody will understand you but you
your job in this world is to know yourself
just call me crazy cos i trust my instincts
everything i say just throw it away (crazy)
i don't entirely disagree
what the people want is boring n lame but most people are stupid
i understand why people don't wanna put themselves out there
careers are weird to me
66 hours actually
i probably won't see any of this $
why would you use a camcorder remote
i gotta wake up at like 8 so...
vlogging channel, that's what this is
self-medicating doesn't work if you don't know yourself

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