7 months ago


Shazizz Radio is here for you.
If you have a love for music and maybe you like to write songs, I am willing to help you move it along. I want you to be heard.
Send me a poem and I will put it to music.
Submit your MP 3 of your song, or maybe you just have a show that you want them to hear, I want to help promote you. What do you have to share with the world? Maybe your website, maybe just a song let me help you move it along.
Shazizz Radio is your home away from home. Want to send the world a message let me give you a hand. Want your garage band to be heard? I want you to be heard too.
Maybe you want to do a live show with me , we can make that happen pretty easily. Our world need us to work together and here at shazizz radio that is what we are here for that is what we do. If we can make this tune sound good , just think what we can do for you? Write it, sing it, or just say it, if it belongs to you then we will play it.
Music is a great way to tell a story, maybe even show to the world your inner glory. Tell your loved ones how you feel with a tune that will warm the heart. Share a funny that will make them chuckle. Or knock them out with a musical knuckle. laugh out loud or even bring a teardrop to their eye. Say something crazy that just may make them sigh. What ever it is that you might have to say, here is your chance to do it in a very creative way.
Rock it
Country style they will take their knee and slap it
Maybe the hillbilly redneck is for you, we can do it and so can you.
shazizz radio at yahoo dot com send in your message and we will send it along. Do it in a poem or even a song. Well I crammed as much in here as a could, but if you need more bring it on and your on your way to your very own song. Fun and music is where it's at, maybe share a funny story about that crazy old cat. We got you covered. Pass this on if you want to help me out, when your out in the digital realm shout us out. I wanted this one to have some power, so rock on with it. give some strength to the punch, share this song a whole bunch. Let me know if you want to hear this in another style, it will be on it's way in a short while. Enough talking it is time to rock, I'm on the job STILL ON THE CLOCK. LISTEN TO THIS GUITAR IT'S ABOUT TO RIP.

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