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Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Rudy Giuliani - Captions
Julie Green and Rudy are discussing a prophecy given to Rudy Giuliani, assuring him of total exoneration and restoration after facing difficult times. Julie believes that God is waking people up and allowing them to see the darkness embedded in the justice system and the country, in order for them to pray and stand against it. They express hope and belief that the country's best days are ahead and that they are getting stronger in God and unified as a nation.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. And welcome to today's live show again. And I just want to welcome Rudy Giuliani again, thank you for being on, sir. And I want to thank you for being patient along with everybody else. It's been one technical difficulty after another with rumble and other things, but it didn't stop God.
So I'm so excited to have you on today. You never do. Well, I'm glad to have you on because I want to encourage you since the last time you were on was it May? The Lord had actually another word for you, and I know that something happened against you last week. Where they had done some things against you.
So before I get to that word, I want to hear how you are staying strong through all these attacks that the deep state and everybody's doing against you. Well, I'm staying strong because I keep my eye on our goal, our ultimate goal, which is to make the world better than it was given to us. I think that's our obligation.
As Christians, as humans. As American. Certainly. And secondly, I see a great deal of hope right now. You know, I believe that this election is the most important in our history, if not the one of the most important. Maybe our first one, maybe during the Civil War, but I think about it as this the forces of evil communism have taken a good deal of control of large parts of our government through Joe Biden.
And his criminals and we have to take it back. And if they were to win, they would run away with it. And it would be as if, it would be as if the, the, the, the thieves in the night have taken the most important things that we have, or most of them, and they're about to come back and they have easy entry to take the rest and we've got to stop them.
And we have to stop them in an election. And our God given constitution. Has granted us that right. It's up to us now to exercise our freedoms that we have to do that. You know, God gives us the grace. God gives us the strength. God gives us the opportunity, but we're people of free will. Now it's going to be on us as to whether we can do this.
So I want to see everyone involved in this election. Right now, what I'm looking at is very positive. Our people are strong. We're gaining new people every day. It's like, I don't know, I shouldn't compare it to early Christianity, but it's like early Christianity, it's a movement. And I think the people on the other side, not all of them, but many of them, the darkness is falling from their eyes.
And they're beginning to see, look, look, look at what happened with that debate. The whole world got to see what we've known for five years, that the man is mentally inadequate. Much worse. He's demented. He has no illness. That prevents him from being a rational president. So I'm feeling good, I guess is the short answer.
I feel motivated by my task and I don't, I've never felt stronger. You know, I, it encourages all of us to see a person like you who has that resilience. No matter how many times you get knocked down and no matter how many times people are doing things against you, you still get, get back up again. And you are that example to so many of us that are in that fight and who are going through struggles.
And it's like people like you and people like president Trump and so many of you that have been out in the open and there've been so many different attacks, but you're resilient and you get back up and you just keep fighting that fight. And it gives so many, so much of us strength to keep going and find that fight, because if you can do it.
Why know that we can do it too. And I just want to say thank you for your fight for this country. Thank you for not giving up and thank you for not quitting no matter how much they've done against you. I know, I know from example, I've heard it from a little birdie, actually from God, what he's going to do for you.
And I, I'm so, so excited to see the, the restoration that God has for you. Well, I feel wonderful that I can play that role. I also am very convinced that we have that we meaning all of us, all the people you're talking about, that we have the strength and believe it or not, that many, many more just waiting there to join us by the time we're finished, we'll be even stronger than we are now.
We're stronger now than we were last year at this time. You know, we have many of these same problems last year. That's when they were indicting the president. That's where they indicted me. It was a year ago that I went off. to get fingerprinted and photographed the day before him in Georgia. And I don't know if I felt worse for me or for him.
I felt sorry for me. I tried to get over that. And then I thought the ex president of the United States being brought into a prison for a completely bogus charge, where have we come? And so now I look at now and we're much better off than we were then. And also we're much stronger. We have many more people behind us now.
In a way, the most evil things they did to us turned on them. I mean, I always thought the president would win the nomination and I always thought he would win the presidency, but I didn't, I didn't think he'd be this far ahead and they put, they put them there. Even some of his Republican opponents, I think secretly now say, I wish he hadn't been indicted.
Yeah, everything they're doing is like boomeranging back on them and everything they meant to destroy You with to destroy President Trump with destroy this nation is actually giving us more resistance More strength more persistence and we're fighting like never before and what you said earlier It is a movement.
It is a movement because this is a fight between good versus evil. This is not Democrat versus Republican. And the movement is on the side and the momentum is on the side of goodness. It's on the side of truth. It's on the side of freedom. It's on the side of God. And so when we're trusting in God as people, we're trusting in God as a nation, that's when God is able to move.
So I think that there was a things that were allowed to happen and God is doing something that he is going to get the credit for. And I truly believe this is something that the enemies are definitely not ready for. Yeah, no, there's absolutely a certain they'd had no idea that this could happen. And it's a, it's a credit really to the good people of America because when they see evil, they can spot it.
And it's as if the Democrats go over the top. So I think of January 6th. The day of January 6th seemed terrible. They claimed these people had been killed. They had a state funeral for a police officer. They made it into one of the worst events in American history. Then as time goes by and the facts come out, the man that they had the state funeral for died of natural causes.
What a terrible thinking. They started to compare it to Pearl Harbor, and September 11, and the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War, and all of a sudden people are saying, there's something wrong, there's something wrong with this, they're, whatever it was, and they may have even thought it was worse than it is at that point, but it wasn't that.
And the same thing with President Trump, he, he died him four times in one year, they didn't indict Al Capone four times in one year, what is he the worst criminal that ever existed in the history of the country? So then people start to, a lot of people start to think, people of common sense, maybe they don't pay attention as much as you and I do and some of our strongest followers, but they start to look at it and they say, this can't be, this is like, this is like exaggerated beyond proportion.
And I think that's what evil people do. They have no perspective and they don't have a sense of the mind of the good person because they're not connected to the good person. So they think everybody's like them. Everyone, everyone will believe every lie, will engage in every lie for what they believe is the, is the common good of communism or atheistic fascism.
Or and unfortunately they read people wrong. Thank God, God made mostly good people. Yeah. And you know, pride comes before a fall. They're very prideful. They're very arrogant. And they think they can do whatever they want. And the more they're pushing, the more they're unmasking themselves. And the more people are seeing the real truth and the more people are waking up and the more people, the more freedom they take away, the more freedom people actually want, because I've been telling people for the longest time, we have a free nation, but it hasn't been free for a long time.
We were under that assumption. And so now people are realizing then that they're infringing upon our freedoms. Just like what they do with you. I mean, Do you have anything that you want to, to speak to people about with what they did to your freedom and how they took your license to practice away? Sure.
They took my license to practice law away right after September 11th, and they took it away on two pretexts. One, that I had engaged in the violence and that I was violent and dangerous. And that if I spoke or acted as a lawyer, I would create violence, which is of course absurd. In my whole life, I've never created violence of any kind.
And all I did is speak as a lawyer. And then secondly, they took away my license because they said I had lied in the court proceedings. But of course, what I was doing is advocating my client's position. Yes, I was advocating that the election was fraudulent. That was my position as a lawyer. Now, I actually, as a citizen, I believe it also.
But as a lawyer in many ways, I was obligated to sustain that position because you give your best. Quiet the benefit of the doubt that would mean that any any lawyer who represented a criminal who said the criminal was innocent would go to jail I mean, that's that's absurd and this is because the two bar associations are part of that evil cabal of Crooked left wing Democrats particularly in my city.
My city is a city that is Entirely corrupt. It could be a communist or Marxist or Nazi city, politically speaking, the way it's organized to one party city. And it's been a one party city for about 90%. Of the last 200 years. Well, you look at Chicago, Chicago has voted for democratic mayor for 60 years.
This weekend, a hundred people were shot in Chicago, a hundred people, many, many dead and a lot of them children and a lot of the black children, and it votes Democrat over and over and over again. The more people get killed, the more they vote Democrat. So that to me, the vote has become a vote that is really, I call it Pavlovian.
It's a Pavlovian vote. They don't even think about it. They just vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat. They go from one bad one to another, and a hundred people get killed over the week. People who were free, truly free, would not continue to vote for their deaths. And they're not, they're not free. People in New York.
Wouldn't continually vote for corruption. They have for 200 years since Boris Tweed. Couple of Republican exceptions. I was the third Republican mayor in 100 years. And except for that period of time, with Republicans, every once in a while, an occasional down patch, a crooked city. Completely, from top to bottom.
You can't do anything without paying bribes. And the judiciary reflects that. Our judiciary is rotten. It's appointed by the political bosses. When you see a New York City judge, you're like, You're seeing a judge selected by the Democrat, you might as well have Democratic selected judge on his, right, right here, not an American judge.
And then they, they rule that way. So that if you have a political case, it's fixed. It's not a, it's as if you were, had that political case in the old Soviet Union or present China or that's, I think the American people saw that. In the trial of Donald Trump with that judge whose daughter is making millions of dollars attacking Donald Trump and Republicans.
How could a judge who has a daughter doing that sit fairly in judgment of a former president or someone, a judge who's actually donated money to a, to a group called Stop Trump. So I'm the judge of the case. I'm your judge and I've donated some money to stop you. I mean, I think your lawyer and the courts in any fair place would say, well, that person can't be a judge.
He's too impartial, but not for Donald Trump. Same thing with with me and the judge that I had. The judge that I had in the case in Washington didn't think the January 6th sentences were enough. So she called all the other judges in and told them to make higher sentences. I mean, to me, when that January 6th thing is all thought out, it's going to be one of the worst scandals in our history.
And this whole thing will be our most scandalous period. Yeah. The, you know, the movement we're in right now, I think it's so amazing because I see people that the more of our freedoms are taken away. The more justice is more like injustice because our justice system is now a two tier justice system, like you were saying, they don't rule as per our constitution or per our law.
They rule how they're feel and they rule their party. And so everybody can see that. And so everybody's getting angry. And I think more people now are praying more people are fighting in that way because they want God and control this country again. They want their freedoms back. They want justice back.
They want Liberty back. And they're realizing the more they're being pushed upon and the more. People I know are standing up and they're starting to push back. It's like you said, we are better in a position now, even though it looks worse now as a country than when we were a year ago, at the same time, I mean, like with politically and our justice system at the same time, the people of this country and all around the world, we are better off right now.
We are stronger than we've ever been. We're fighting like never before. It's getting people up and it's getting people to do something that they have never done. And it is a beautiful thing to see with this movement that, That is we're seeing right now before us. Well, yeah, I enjoy watching the rallies even more now.
I mean, I've always enjoyed the rallies very, very much. And there's someone who was at just about the first one and introduced him at about 50. So I know them cold, right? You would think I'd be a teeny bit bored with them. And I find them even more exciting now because more is at stake. He's become, if at all possible, a much better candidate.
I mean, he was a great candidate before. Now he's somewhere like people are going to wonder, can we ever have another candidate like this? And he makes those rallies so entertaining. No matter whether I can go or I'm very busy writing something for my shows, I take time off or I, I I videotape it so I can watch it later.
I actually find it, you should actually find it enjoyable and amusing. He's very funny. He's like a He's like an old fashioned variety show we used to have on television. He's like a big troll. He makes so many people laugh. And then he gets very serious. He'll get very serious. He'll get very, he goes very emotional.
He gets very serious and very sad and very, and we, he gets us to understand how bent off we are. And then he gives us hope. I mean, it's almost like a, a, a, a great sermon except a, a more political one rather than religious. Yeah. He's, you know, and I think he's been an inspiration to so many people, and because he has had everything thrown at him that could possibly be thrown at him.
Yeah, yeah. I know that. I could tell you that he, he, he, he I, I, yeah, you almost, you never can say there's nothing he can, he can do to him, but pretty close to that. I mean, he, he's really. gone through the worst and I was with him when he was president going from his lawyer for most of the years that he was president and defending him on the impeachment.
So I was with him, you know, three days a week or so, maybe four, not usually at nights and mornings before he had to work. Cause he, he never wanted to interfere. And I didn't with his legal work with his, I mean, it's very hard. The man, the man is being charged with the worst crimes in the world. And he's got the biggest responsibility in the world.
And he's got to divide the two things. And he did. He did. I can testify to how he divided it. I mean, it was brilliant how he did it. I would watch him in the, in the middle of their accusing him or what the worst of all was when they would accuse his family. They could accuse him of anything and he would say, Oh, we'll take it up later.
We're going to take it up later. Well, all of a sudden every other week they say, we're going to, we're going to indict Don Jr. Now they had nothing to indict Don Jr. This, this was totally malicious. He didn't do anything wrong. I mean, not not even you could make it up. So they make some crazy thing up. I would come.
I would check it out very carefully before I came to him. And I said, Mr President, I'm telling you, God's honor. I've done this for 50 years. No way to put him in jail on this. No way. And they're doing this to get under your skin. And that's what they would do. They they they were vicious enough to know attacking him.
Of course, he had to respond, but he would not Mr B. They go after him. They go after his Children. They go after his good friends. I mean, he He gets, he gets more upset about the, what happens to Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon and me and and then some of the young people who literally, we, we look at the indictment, we don't even know the names of some of the people.
I mean, these poor people did not have that big role and they weren't that close and they couldn't have done it. They wouldn't have known what to do wrong. They weren't in connection with the people allegedly who were doing it wrong. It's like half the people in the indictment said, I don't know, I never met them.
They're very, very sad people and this is going to be wonderful when we put this behind us and we make sure we teach it as part of our history so that they don't do it again. That's my hope. My whole purpose here is to make sure this is recorded for history because this is the thing our founding fathers warned us about, the tyranny of the majority.
And they're not a majority, but they make themselves a majority through, through manipulation. And particularly, what they are is the majority of the media. They're the whole media except for you and me and a few other people. So that's what they really are. They've taken control of the major means of communication and the major means of education.
Unfortunately, our children, who we have to take back. They've stolen our children in the public schools and made them property of the state, which is what Marx always wanted. When you can mutilate a child anywhere in the country and not tell the parents. You've achieved Marxism. You've achieved what he always wanted.
They're not your property. I'm sorry, they don't belong to you parents. They belong to the state. That was Hitler, that was Stalin, that was Mao, and that was from Karl Marx. If you don't see that battle as a battle going on right now, many, many places, not all of our states, but many of our states, and a few places they've won it, they've won the battle where the child is the property of the state.
In in New York, they can mutilate a child in some of our school districts and not tell the child, even in Virginia. So, we have lost many, many of these battles that we have to win back. This is where our country could have gone to die. I mean, literally, if you think about it, because we've had, you know, you see the Saul Alinsky's playbook pretty much, where he was a, you know, a communist, a socialist, and he, He tried to come into this country and I know Obama and Clinton was part of his, you know, people, students that he taught.
And like you said, all the people before, they're doing the exact same thing now. But this country is a different country because this country was founded upon the word of God and the love of God and the freedom to serve God. And they have dealt with the wrong country. It looks like they've won. It looks like our, our country is going down the toilet and there's no way to stop it.
But God, and that's why I tell everybody, I said, this is where they really, truly thought they were going to bring this country down and we were just going to sit there and be okay and be quiet about it. And we're not. And I think that's why you're starting to see them panic. And you're also starting to see them get really angry because we have minds of our own and we do have our faith in God and we are still fighting and they really don't like it very much.
Yes. Yeah. And we found this medium of communication that you and I are right now using. And I think we we, our movement is using it very effectively. Yeah. I want to read something to you because before, you were on a couple months ago, like three months ago or something, and the Lord had actually, he'd given me a word that I gave to you before, but he actually had another one for you on May 22nd.
And this was before what just happened to you. And so I want to give you some encouragement. Because the Lord knows it's what I call prophecy. It's like God's news before the news. He will tell you something before it happens so you know that he's the one who's actually saying it. So you know he's actually the one in control and it's not who we see.
And so one of the things that he said about you again, He said, Rudy Giuliani, yes, there will be total exoneration. What they have done to destroy you will not last and your name will be fully cleared and all the damage they have done to you will be wiped out by me. So hold on my son. It's almost over, saith the Lord.
And so I know he wanted to give you that encouragement and that's something that I love what God does. Is no matter what, you know, we go through in our lives and I have had many things for many different people But he's always giving them that right word that they have to hear and that's an encouragement for you that he's not done with you And that the enemies are have not won and everything they've done to damage you God is saying he's going to restore and so I just want to give you that bit of encouragement That God is on your side and the enemies are not going to win and not going to continue to do what they're doing to you.
Well, thank you very much. Thank God for that. Believe me, I feel blessed and I feel like well, it's an honor to be part of this, to be chosen for this and to play my role. And there are so many people and I have to tell you as compared to, you know, other times, because this has been, this has been very, very difficult for a few number of years now.
This is probably our most encouraging period. I mean, I see the hope growing and I see a month from now, even stronger than now. So I think it's caught on. I think, I think God has God has given us the strength to, you know, pull through it. Yeah, he's given us the eyes. He's I tell people what he's been saying is this has been a shaking and God's wakening people up And it may be uncomfortable But it's uncomfortable but he is waking people up So we actually see and just like what we see with the deep state when we see what's going on with our justice system We see what's going on in our country.
It has been embedded in so dark and so deep for so long That we were unaware. And he says, I'm letting you see it in order for you to know how to pray and stand against it. And I think that's where we are right now as a country. And I do believe our best days are ahead of us as a country. I believe we're getting stronger in God, stronger in his word and stronger together and unified, no matter how and what it looks like.
And I know your time is almost up, but I really do if it's okay with you is if I'm allowed to pray for you, of course Okay, please please. All right heavily father right now I just looked up rudy and no matter what has been going on his life father God you said in your word in isaiah 54 17 that no weapon formed against us shall profit There has been a lot of weapons that have been formed against Rudy and been formed against President Trump and so many other Americans that you have chosen father God to be in the forefront.
I thank you for giving them Strength for vindicating their name for restoring everything that has been stolen from them I thank you father God for giving them that strength for giving them that perseverance to keep pushing through and pushing on and getting Over the top going over and above and beyond what their enemies wanted them to ever be able to obtain.
So I thank you father God for choosing him for such a time as this And that you give him that peace until he sees your word come to pass in his life that it is your power It is your control He is your son and you are going to vindicate him because you said in your word in hebrews That vengeance is mine the retribution and the meting out of full justice Rest with me So we thank you father God that we call out for justice justice for rudy We call out for vindication and we call out father God your vengeance and we thank you for it in jesus name Amen.
And amen.
Thank you. You're welcome. I want to thank you for joining and just know that all of us here and all of our viewers, we pray for you. We appreciate you. We thank you for being on. We thank you for being part of our show and just being an all around amazing, amazing American and amazing person that we can look up to.
And fight with. So thank you, sir. God bless you for all you do for this country. And for joining today. So I want to thank each and every person for joining today's live show. I know it has been I know you guys had to wait patiently for us to get on because we were having many technical difficulties.
And so we were not going to let the enemy win. I know it can be frustrating when you're having to wait. For a stream to start, but there was a reason for this live stream. And I do believe that the Lord has had exactly what he wants with it to encourage somebody like Rudy Giuliani, because he is also that, you know, that American that has been terrorized by the enemy and by, you know, this deep state and by the establishment.
And by our justice system. And so what I want you guys to do is to encourage yourselves that no matter what is going on in your life, you see the perseverance of somebody like him or something like president Trump, or no matter who is all going, like, look, what's happened with general Flynn, look, what's happened to all these different Americans, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, and all these people that have been connected with president Trump are going through a great per just a great.
Attack and a great, great persecution. And so what we have to do is we remember that when you are persecuted and you are doing things right, and you are doing things for God, there is a battle. But we all know the battle is. And the battle is God has won it because he's Jehovah Nissi, our banner. He's our victory.
And so I hope it's encouraged each and every one of you today to see what, no matter how bad the attack is on somebody like him, Rudy, he can still stand up. He can still fight back and still wait for that justice to be served because we all know that the foundation of God's throne is justice. We expect justice and so I want you guys to continue up, lift him up in prayer, lift up President Trump and his family for their protection and for their, you know, that God guides them in the right direction and where they should go, because this is the heat of the battle.
And like I told Rudy when we were just on a few minutes ago, is that this is a time where our country was, well, gone to die. But that's not our country and that's not what God wants for our country at all. Not only is our country not going to die the old one that they that the establishment wanted The one that they wanted to do that is dying the establishment is but what God is telling us with this country This country is being reborn a country that's stronger.
That is greater than the country We were before we are going to be the actual the united states United in God's word, united in his name, united in his love, united in him. And so when we unite in him, that's when he can do the things that he needs to do. Our enemies tried to destroy this country from the birth of this nation, but God has got this nation and we just now had to put it in his hands.
Trust him, keep fighting that good fight of faith, keep doing your marching orders, keep saying what God needs us to say and do what God needs us to do, but just let the pressure and the weight of it and the care of it over to God. Your part is just to stand and stand there for so I want to again Thank each and every one of you for taking time out again in your day for joining today's live stream Because God wants us all Unified he wants the body of Christ unified.
He wants a body of Christ in politics Yes, he does. He wants the body of Christ in our justice system because he wants justice. He wants to rule and reign in this country and he can't do it if he's not there or any of his people are not there. And so that's why it's so important to put God back in our government, put God back in our judicial system, to put God in every walk in every part of our life.
So goodness is there. Light is there. Freedom is there. Everything that God wants us to have is there because he is there. So I'll be back on with you once again, tomorrow at 6 30 AM central time. But until then, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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