Industry Baby vs E.T.「AMV Lil Nas X & Katy Perry」Mashup ᴴᴰ

7 months ago

Bringing high quality content, the channel “KING AMV's 夢” is proud to be able to add value to the anime community in general. Bringing varied and diverse content for a better experience for your audience. The edited videos have different scenes from various free commercial animations, thanks to the animation developers who provided us with their incredible creations! it is a great happiness to add value to this AMV, editing it with several scenes of different animations to create something totally new

► Alternative Title: Animes Mix「AMV」Lil Nas X, Katy Perry - Industry Baby vs. E.T. (Mashup) ᴴᴰ
► Synopsis: Anime Music Video abbreviated as AMV, is a clip from one or more anime series. These clips are usually produced by fans and are in no way related to the companies in charge of the used animes.

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