7/26/24 Lord, your prophetic words are awesome.❤️

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Your enemies are scattered, as God arises and shines through you!
I hear The Spirit say, “Fear not! For this day I have set a Table of Feasting before you in the presence of your enemies.
You will not be deterred, distracted or derailed from The Kingdom Assignments I have Called and Anointed you for!
Have I not said, if I be for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31-33)
Look up! Look up to the hills, for your help comes from The LORD, The Creator of The Heavens and the Earth!
Beloved! Do not be troubled. Let not your heart be moved when it seems like the unrighteous are prospering and the wicked seem to get ahead of the game. ( Jeremiah 12:1)
For surely I tell you, the race is not to the swift, or to the strong, but to those who have fully surrendered themselves to the great way-maker and promise keeper. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
I say, Watch — and pay close attention to what I will do in this next Season!
Watch, how I will make a public spectacle of those who scoff and mock the Name of The True and Living God!
See! For now Nations are coming into a Time and Season of a Divine Course Correction, where suddenly and swiftly, My Hand of Justice and Righteousness shall move to reverse and to turn what was meant for evil, for the good of those who love Me!
Ha! How I laugh at the strength of men and their limited and compromised wisdom, for truly I tell you, those who put their hope and trust in these mere mortals will be utterly dismayed and destroyed.
Watch! For the board path of destruction awaits those who have put their faith in the empty words and hollow promises of unholy preachers and ungodly politicians!
Watch and Pray, for the spirit of deception comes like a ravenous wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing.
But listen! If you will call out to Me this day, I will expose the enemy’s schemes — and every demonic deed and work of witchcraft that has been concealed and hidden behind closed doors, will be revealed, and the hand of the devourer — and those who serve him — will be pushed back and driven out of their hiding places.
For surely I tell you, even the darkness will not be dark to Me! The night will shine like day — for darkness is as Light to Me!
Yes! For I tell you, the time has come for a draining of the swamps and a dismantling of demonic strongholds in The Nations — for The Era of Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement is here!” says The Spirit of God.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

New Face — Same Script: Things That Make You Go Hhhmmm!

An extract from: 24 July 2024 Word: “Joker Joe and Queen of Hearts Kamala Harris“
And quote:
“Then I heard these words, “Watch! For now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the Throne.”
As I heard those Words, I watched as the Joker tried to balance The Queen of Hearts upon his shoulders and The Queen of Hearts tried to balance the heavy Gold Crown upon her head.
I saw that in the midst of all the chaos that taking place, the King remained standing before his Throne and the Lion kept walking around the borders of the Arena.
I watched as the both the Joker and the Queen tried desperately to gain and maintain their balance as they walking together around the Arena, but I watched as their movements became more and more challenging, especially for the Joker, as the long and heavy dress of the Queen kept falling down and covering the Jokers face.
The dress blinding him and hindered him from moving forward easily. I saw that the Joker’s legs were quickly beginning to get weaker under the weight of the Queen and the heavy Gold Crown and they began to stagger across the floor of the Arena.
But as I watched this strange and almost undignified balancing act take place, I saw the Joker and The Queen of Hearts begin to make their way towards the three-legged stool/ throne.
I knew by revelation that the objective/ part of their circus act for the crowds was for the Joker and The Queen of Hearts to both sit upon the three-legged stool without falling and without dropping the Stolen Crown.
And I listened, as the crowds were screaming with delight as the Joker and The Queen of Hearts began to make their way towards the three-legged stool.
Now as they got closer and closer to the stool — which was very high — the crowds kept screaming as their anticipation grew more and more desperate for the Joker and the Queen to sit upon the three-legged throne.
But in the dream as I looked at the high three-legged stool, I knew that the Joker would have to navigate very carefully on how he was going to begin to mount the stool with the Queen upon his shoulders.
If they were going to be victorious in taking their seat upon the three-legged throne, the Joker would have to be extremely careful not to drop the Queen and the Queen would have to be extremely careful not to drop the Stolen Crown!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Kim Clement prophecy about Yellowstone eruption https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9x50x5h4j8/?igsh=NjFhOGMzYTE3ZQ==

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