July 26, 2024

7 months ago

Join wildlife control consultant Steven Vantassel as he explores the fascinating world of vertebrate pest control, focusing on mole trapping in this episode. Special guest Anthony Hellbo shares his journey into the field and his extensive experience with mole traps, particularly his own brand, Mole Reaper Traps.

In this episode, Steven Vantassel introduces Anthony Hellbo, who began his mole trapping journey around 2008-2009 due to a mole problem in his yard. Anthony's success with the Molinator trap ignited his passion for mole trapping, leading him to assist friends and family with their mole issues, eventually turning it into a business. Initially, he offered a no-catch-no-charge service to build his skills and reputation, later transitioning to charging per mole caught, starting at $40-50 each.

Balancing his full-time job as a machinist with his growing mole trapping business, Anthony emphasizes the importance of quality traps and continuous learning. This year, he launched a store offering high-quality mole traps and educational resources for both amateurs and professionals. His goal is to provide products and support, including tutorial videos, to help customers successfully manage mole problems.

The store caters to both professional trappers and homeowners, offering starter kits and various types of traps. Anthony highlights the importance of customer support, providing advice and assistance via text and other means. This episode offers an in-depth look into Anthony Hellbo's mole trapping business, showcasing his commitment to quality products, customer education, and support. The discussion underscores the significance of expertise and proper tools in effective wildlife control.

For more information, visit:

Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE
Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC

Blog: [Wildlife Control Consultant Blog](https://wildlifecontrolconsultant.com/)
Papers: [Stephen M. Vantassel on Academia.edu](https://kingsdivinity.academia.edu/StephenMVantassel)
Videos: [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxP_IBhnqcgvX_aRM4f91nQ)
Podcasts: [Pest Geek Podcast with Stephen Vantassel](https://pestgeekpodcast.com/stephen-vantassel/)
Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time

Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing, and research.

Always follow national, state, provincial, and local laws when using pesticides and/or other control methods to manage pests. Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC, Pest Geeks Podcast, Living the Wildlife Podcast, Stephen M. Vantassel or their/his affiliates are not responsible for the follower’s use of the information provided here or elsewhere. Be sure to read and follow the label directions for any product you use.

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