BPNT Book Series - Chapter 23 - What about the Dinosaurs? What are they?

5 months ago

When we talk about dinosaurs, it’s very important to understand what a dinosaur is. The word dinosaur actually means; Terrible Lizard (Dinosaurus, genus name, from Greek deinos terrifying + sauros lizard). The word did not even exist until the 1800’s. Prior to this they were typically called dragons. In Psalm 148 David refers to a creature called a “Dragon”. Many cultures have “dragon” legends.

The first dinosaur bone ever found was an Iguanodon bone. It looks exactly like an Iguana bone found in Iguanas today. Thus the name Iguanodon. Gideon A. Mantell (1790-1852) was an early British fossil hunter. He described and named the Iguanodon. Iguanodon's teeth and a few bones were found in 1822, in Sussex, (southern) England.

An important fact to this discussion is that all reptiles, no matter what species, never stop growing. Humans and dogs and cats and other animals grow to a certain age and then stop growing. Reptiles never do. They grow every day they are alive no matter how old they get. We’ll talk more about this later. (HINT) Before the flood, when men lived hundreds of years, so did lizards... they don't stop growing, ever... think about that for a minute.

A not very well known fact is that many of the dinosaurs thought to be extinct by 65 million years are still alive today! Must really baffle the scientists who say they went extinct as part of the evolutionary process. Especially since after “65 million years” they exhibit no sign of changing into anything else at all! Where’s the “evolution”?


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