The Peace Symbol | How It Was Inverted | How To Manifest God’s Will In Your Life

2 months ago

Reloaded from Brozme & Copied n' Pasted below...
I don’t want to belabor the point to long, but the drawing of one of the Remote Viewer’s sketch looked as a tree with its arms up into the air.

As a tree of life. The holy tree. Symbolizes Life, Liberation, In Touch With God and similarly God is in Touch with his people. Look at picture of the uplifting of its arms. Y

Picture Drawn By Remote Viewer, It appears to me a man with his arms up

See if you see what I see. If not let me know in the comments.

Clif High’s Latest On The Soon To Arrive Apparition — Repeat
Substack + Remote View Drawing from the Dick Allgire’s Remote Viewing group.
Drawing of an apparition with electrical arms up into the sky.
Excellent Round Table about timelines. Participants each bring forth new bits of information. Much of which I have never heard before.
Comfort Zone Map as mentioned in the ICONS2020 —Timelines above
We’re just passing through this land of maximin mischief and misery; and then to be the brunt of tHeir sick unholy jokes of mischievousness.
No. Not any longer.
No longer to accept their belittling.
Silver And Gold Have I None
That Which I Have, I Give Unto You
Acts 3:6-16
I hope you realize you may change the font size in the scriptures-drop downs, you may even change the version of the Bible.
I cut my teeth on the King James Version.

My reason for using the Amplified Version; is the use of [descriptive words] within the verse. There by, all but eliminating the need for a Strongs Concordance.
If you are serious student of the Bible, a Thompson Chain Reference Bible in your favorite language and in multiple versions. Hard copy
Including a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, becomes an impressive weapon or shield in the right hands.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Redeeming the time
Ephesians 5:16-18

[[Remember; I will put my commentary in double brackets]]

Ephesians 5:16-18
Amplified Bible
16 making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence],

[[Christians are to take opportunities to lift one another. We never know when a kind deed, done in secret will come back to us to use in dividends]]

Continuing v. 16
because the days are [filled with] evil.

17 Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what is the will of the Lord?

[[Sometimes the best way to interpret a verse is with a verse.

[[The question is to understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is?
[[What is the perfect will of God for you and I is; To love God with our entire heart, mind, soul and strength, and the second is like unto first. To love our neighbor as our self.]]

Romans 12:2

Matthew 22:36-40

Ephesians 5:18”
18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity),

[[as in continuing to think in material (worldly) ways instead of evaluating the world in spiritual terms]]

Continuing v 18
but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.

[[but elevate your thoughts, how may the Holy Spirit work in this instance. Groanings unutterably]]

Romans 8:26

How To Manifest God’s Will
As Christians; Isn’t That Our Only Desire.
Not My Desire; But God’s Will Only.

[[My commentary, again, is within double brackets]]

[[How to manifest “the will of God.”
Most people believe that if God would grant them enough doe, grease, palaver, cash then they would be more than happy to give some away.

[[Here is how to manifest God’s WILL in your life. It is in the emotional appeal to God to fulfill an expected need.

[[It’s when you’ve worn out your knees.
[[It is in the emotional outpouring from the depths of your soul.

[[You are worn out from pacing back and forth. Your Bible propped up open on a table. To call out the promises, to search out the mercy of God to his people in this age.

[[it is to have an emotional investment in this project or endeavor.

[[the last portion of verse 26]]
But the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words.

[It is when we come to the end of ourselves, to then allow the Spirit to groan and sigh through us.

[[It is when our energy is spent. When we grow quiet, we know an answer is come or it is time to pray on at another hour.

[[Many people do not know how to wrestle in prayer. They believe it is knowing the right words. It is not!

[[Prayer which change the direction of men and devils is the temperature and frequency/cymatics of the soul which change the course of rivers and the affairs of men.

[[As it happens, on the occasion of breaking a fast, a great flood of emotion is brought down. Answers arrive; is made known. Others may say, they had received a download.]]

I’ve already said too much. Next someone will say I said. ‘In ecstatic angelic utterances.’ Which I did not.

Matthew 17:20
[[Prayer and Fastings Often. This is the reason why more devils are not cast out.]]
We are volunteers who have returned that we may assist in bringing Man into the God’s Sabbath Rest.
1000 years of Peace and Prosperity. Mankind has never had it so good. You’re gonna love it.

Schumann Resonates
We are going to know what it is going to be like to have unfettered growth.
Does Anyone Know What The Above is?
Schumann Resonates Jacked-Up To The Love Capacity.
This is what we will enjoy for 1000 years, God’s Sabbath Day.

The Earth will also ascend to a higher plane of existence. The Earth is waiting for mankind, so we are able to ascend together.

Revelation 20:1-6

There are 2,000 years between Adam to Abraham, then 2,000 years from Abraham to Christ.
There are additionally 2,000 years from Christ’s sacrifice until today.

No one is proposing the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
We are talking about God’s timeline, not the Earth’s, nor Man’s timeline.

We are now ready to move into God’s Day of Rest. One thousand years of peace, prosperity and harmony in God’s Golden Day of Rest.

I did not understand, probably alongside many of you, the value of the Sabbath Day, as in much of my Christian walk.

The Sabbath Day is provided for man; not the other way around.

We used to work seven days a week, until we didn’t make any headway on the seventh day.

The Sabbath Day is made for man to rest, to recharge, to worship to regain his physical and spiritual strength.

2 Peter 3:8-9
I am
Riding A Roller Coaster
That Is Careening Down
The Tracks At Break Neck Speed
What Will Happen Next To Our Happy Crew
Whatever My Lot In Life
Thou Hast Taught Me To Say
It Is Well With My Soul
It is Well With My Soul


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