ON DEMAND! AIRED- Jul.28,'24: Justice and School Board Weaponization is vaporizing Parental Rights. The Kids are not Safe. The Kids are not alright! It's a Socialist Invasion!

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ON DEMAND! AIRED- Sun.Jul.28,'24:
Justice and School Board Weaponization is vaporizing Parental Rights.
The Kids are not Safe. The Kids are not alright! It's a Socialist Invasion!
All over the nation, useless idiotic School Boards are censoring contact with any member of the Public they disagree with, and label them a Terrorist Threat for doing so, often calling the Biden-Harris FBI into the picture without provocation. The School Boards acting like that are going Full Gestapo, Soros style, and need to be fired. They are forcing communist and gender queer literature, forced Gender Change, anti American and America as Racist, White privilege and hatred of being white Bullspit on little children. Every last one of these demented Socialist Radicals needs to be fired, and incarcerated for at least a decade, until they get the message. This is America, Not their Soviet-Sino Dreamland of Tyranny, Dictatorship, No Property, Rent for Life, and not the land of "do whatever the School Board Orders, obediently". They can go Brandon themselves, those pulling this Unconstitutional garbage on our towns. They are scurvy little spiders!!

** A special, little update. **
The Trump shooter, he's(Thomas Mathew Crooks) a heroin and coke dealer distributor manufacturer with five unjailed convictions under his belt in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, per public records but dates are altered.

One of Hunter Biden's Drug Dealer buddies reportedly hired him. It was Hunter Biden acting for Joe Biden, Securing and Protecting the "Big Guy Franchise" for The Biden Crime Family for four more years. He's a stone cold crime wave, Hunter. Like Father like Son.
The FBI is going to cover it up, the way they did the rigged election, their Jan.6th Hoax, and the Laptop from Hell and helped try framing Trump multiple times.. The Justice Department is not well. Nor are the Soros, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Mayorkas, Garland ...etc... Families!

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CONTACT: L4Atv1@gmail.com

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