Building With The Word - The "Why" Behind The Design - A Conversation with Draw The Line Tees! Ep. 6

6 months ago

Students of all ages are in the crosshairs of a spiritual battle! Many schools have become indoctrination centers instead of learning institutions. Indoctrination centers are tools of the enemy that constantly work on influencing students to deny the truth of Jesus Christ and bow down to the lies of modern-day culture. It truly takes the guidance and shepherding of the Holy Spirit to navigate through today's education system. As long as the Lord is their Shepherd, no matter where they go in this world, Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Them All The Days Of Their Lives! 🙏🏽

#DrawtheLineTees #Psalm23 #TheLordIsMyShepherd #EvangelismTools #SoughtOut #PleasingToJesus #SoldiersforChrist #SpirtiualWarfare #FullArmourofGod #BattleGear #AmbassadorinBondsforChrist #KJV

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