The Cringe Returns With A Vengeance In Video Of Kamala Harris And The Obamas

7 months ago

Posted • July 26, 2024: If it wasn't official before, it's official now. Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democrat Party presidential nomination and the general election. With the DNC set to hold a virtual roll call to avoid chaos on the floor, I can't foresee any scenario where Harris doesn't get the nod. Not with the Obamas, Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer all in her corner. That's good for the current vice president because it allows her to operate as the presumptive nominee and bypass any sense of disunity within her party.

Harris is still Harris, though, and that was illustrated in spades after a clearly scripted and focus-grouped call between her and the Obamas was released. To be fair, the vice president had a fairly disciplined week as far as her less desirable public ticks go, but the cringe returned with this one. I'll transcribe it, but you have to listen to it to get the full effect, including seeing the very end. -- OMG. I’m seen some cheesy political videos in my time, but this Obama endorsement of Kamala is full-on Gorgonzola… 🧀 (…)

• More at: RedState - The Cringe Returns With a Vengeance in Video of Kamala Harris and the Obamas

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