How to Create Massive Wealth | Robert Kiyosaki

7 months ago

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, is a globally recognized author, speaker, investor, and entrepreneur, who has sold over 40 million copies of his books worldwide.

It was an honor to have him on the podcast to talk about things like:

-The real difference between rich vs poor mindset EBSI
-How the education system is based from Prussia
-The biggest mistakes he sees young people making in investing and money today
-Why you should unlearn everything you've been taught about money
-What Robert thinks of Andrew Yang and UBI
-Why he appreciates Jordan Peterson
-How you should invest your money
-What being antifragile means and how you can become even stronger from a market crash
-How to prepare for the upcoming recession to help you profit millions
-Robert's relationship with Donald Trump
-How Robert became the karate kid in Korea and became a black belt in Tae Kwon Do
-Oh and lots of laughs :)

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