Only those who do not understand relativity themselves believe in it.

7 months ago

Only those who do not understand relativity themselves believe in it.
These people depend on the understanding of others.
Those who do understand it, can see how absurd it is.
In the words of Tesla
“Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.”
― Nikola Tesla

Thomas, Denis. “It Is Impossible to Teach Special Relativity Without Deceiving the Student.” Science and Philosophy 10, no. 2 (2022): 146–67.

Who was behind the push of Einstein?

Relativity theory has been around for over a century now and to this day acolytes in support of the theory have completely surrendered their faculties to equations and concepts that they don’t fully understand or care to. The classical proofs of relativity are often cited to handwave dismiss any criticisms of the theory, despite supporters of the theory not even being able to describe what “spacetime” is exactly. This presentation attempts to make clarifications on what spacetime is and taking it a step further, I will make the case that spacetime has to be a physical entity if any curvature thereof was responsible for the physical effects that are attributed to it as proof of the theory.

Classical Proofs of Relativity Theory: Perihelion precession of Mercury, deflection of light by the sun, gravitational redshift, misc. indirect confirmations of the theory (time dilation, equivalence principle, etc.).

If relativity theory were to supersede the Newtonian framework, it would need to prove the concept of “spacetime” is a physical entity that has a mechanical cause and effect relationship with how it interacts with physical objects and electromagnetic energy. Here we will examine the historical narrative and experiments that are put forward to support the physicality of spacetime.

It is my intention to use this presentation as a vehicle to provide clarification on relativity theory by demystifying and translating the equations, experimental proofs and mechanics used to as evidence for the theory.

•The geometry of spacetime is described using a mathematical construct called a metric tensor. How might one use regular metric tensor framework for practical purposes? Example: In engineering, you can use this framework to describe a Cartesian coordinate system (xyz axis) to define the dimensions of an I-beam. This can then be used to show how much stress will be exerted on any particular point within that coordinate system that describes the I-beam. You can even use it to show the stress relationship between two different points within the I-beam.

•Similarly, a spacetime metric tensor describes the geometry of spacetime by adding time (t) as a fourth axis to the xyz coordinate system (xyzt). In relativity theory, any axis of the coordinate system can be bent, warped, distorted, expanded or contracted.

•Objects in motion in relativity theory are described by the xyzt coordinate system as traveling on geodesic paths, i.e., straight lines. By adding the fourth dimension of time to the coordinate system, one can see outside of the xyz system to find that the straight lines are actually traveling along the curvature of spacetime. And remember, spacetime is the dimensions of the universe as described by the respective metric in use.

•Since xyzt coordinate system is relative, the maximum speed of light in a vacuum (c) is introduced as a constant that can be used to measure distance and time within the spacetime metric. In order for this system to describe reality, the speed of light must be shown to be the same in all reference frames. A quick note on reference frames: a reference frame is a way of describing relative motion between observers.

•It has been experimentally shown that c has variance to it. However, to mathematically demonstrate the presupposed axiom of c, which relativity theory is entirely built upon, equations known as Lorentz transformations are used to express how the coordinate system is being stretched or contracted in such a way as to explain the results of optical experiments using interferometry such as MMX, Sagnac, et el., which we will get into later in the presentation.

The perihelion precession of Mercury is the gradual shift in the position of Mercury's closest approach to the sun (perihelion) over time. In 1846, Urbain Le Verrier, observed and recorded a perihelion precession of Mercury as it orbits the sun. He calculated a perihelion precession to be 5600 arcseconds per century. Many years later, Newtonian mechanics and relativity theory faced off to account for the perihelion precession. Here are the results:

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