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July 25/ 2024
American Conservative Patriot Political Commentator~Podcaster~Youtuber Benny Johnson Give His Perpective On The Area And Points Out The Distance Of Where President Trump Was Shot At Butler Pennsylvania Rally July/ 13~^^~
Post: July 26/ 2024
July 26/ 2024
White Hats Military Arrest Bidens Doctor For Conspiracy To Defraud The United States👩‍🚀👨‍⚕️🚨👨‍🚀🇺🇸
U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested physician Kevin O’Connor last week after he admitted he had never seen or medically examined the actual Joseph R. Biden in his professional career, JAG sources told Real Raw News.
O’Conner is an American physician and retired U.S. Army colonel who ostensibly became Biden’s doctor on January 25, 2021. His accomplishments are impressive: 22 years of military service that included time spent in the 82nd Airborne Division and U.S. Army Special Operations Command. He began working as a physician in 2006 under the Bush administration and, three years later, was appointed physician to the vice president.
The 1992 New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine graduate seems to project professionalism and patriotism, but his enduring ties to the Biden family raised red flags among White Hats in July 2022, when he first diagnosed Sleepy Joe with COVID-19, prescribed Paxlovid, and ordered him to self-isolate in the basement. White Hats had two reasons for doubting the diagnosis: They believed—but could not prove—that O’Conner’s patient was Biden body double actor Arthur Roberts, and Biden’s Delaware home was vacant at the time, White Hat surveillance records show.
White Hats that August requested an “interview” with O’Conner, who by then said Biden had tested negative for COVID-19 and was in perfect physical and mental shape, but he declined the invitation on four separate occasions. Our source said White Hats had insufficient evidence to detain or arrest O’Conner but kept him on their radar.
“I’ll admit at times we have a slanted bias giving former military the benefit of the doubt. We don’t like thinking our own could turn into a Deep State collaborator. But, as you know, it happens too often for our liking.


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July 26/ 2024
White Hats Military Arrest Bidens Doctor For Conspiracy To Defraud The United States👩‍🚀👨‍⚕️🚨👨‍🚀🐝

U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested physician Kevin O’Connor last week after he admitted he had never seen or medically examined the actual Joseph R. Biden in his professional career, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

O’Conner is an American physician and retired U.S. Army colonel who ostensibly became Biden’s doctor on January 25, 2021. His accomplishments are impressive: 22 years of military service that included time spent in the 82nd Airborne Division and U.S. Army Special Operations Command. He began working as a physician in 2006 under the Bush administration and, three years later, was appointed physician to the vice president.

The 1992 New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine graduate seems to project professionalism and patriotism, but his enduring ties to the Biden family raised red flags among White Hats in July 2022, when he first diagnosed Sleepy Joe with COVID-19, prescribed Paxlovid, and ordered him to self-isolate in the basement. White Hats had two reasons for doubting the diagnosis: They believed—but could not prove—that O’Conner’s patient was Biden body double actor Arthur Roberts, and Biden’s Delaware home was vacant at the time, White Hat surveillance records show.

White Hats that August requested an “interview” with O’Conner, who by then said Biden had tested negative for COVID-19 and was in perfect physical and mental shape, but he declined the invitation on four separate occasions. Our source said White Hats had insufficient evidence to detain or arrest O’Conner but kept him on their radar.

“I’ll admit at times we have a slanted bias giving former military the benefit of the doubt. We don’t like thinking our own could turn into a Deep State collaborator. But, as you know, it happens too often for our liking.

He added that O’Conner had been the target of thousands of man-hours of boots-on-the-ground and electronic surveillance, and not once between 2022 and 2024 had he given Biden a physical—anomalous because a president’s personal physician’s responsibilities include performing annual exams and going with a president on all trips foreign and domestic.

The bizarreness reached a tipping point last week when O’Conner diagnosed Biden with COVID-19 while they were in Las Vegas and said Biden would be returning to Delaware to self-quarantine until his “mild symptoms” abated. Our source said O’Conner couldn’t have made the diagnosis in Vegas because he was not in Vegas to begin with. Instead, O’Conner was attending an osteopathic seminar at Meridian Health Mountainside Medical Center in New Jersey as news of Biden’s fresh case of COVID-19 became a matter of public record. Moreover, his schedule showed he wouldn’t return to D.C. until July 20.

Given the highly unusual circumstance, the JAG investigators tailing O’Conner in New Jersey requested permission from superiors to detain him. Having received a greenlight, they, on July 19, stopped O’Conner outside a restaurant in Montclair, NJ, and told him they wanted to have a cordial chat about his relationship with Joseph Biden. O’Conner, our source said, was less than enthusiastic about the idea, arguing that JAG had no authority over him and that his and Biden’s affairs were classified, protected by doctor-patient confidentiality, HIPPA, and aggressive non-disclosure agreements he had signed in 2021. The investigators, though, cared less about his pact with the Deep State than eliciting a confession, and they affably encouraged O’Conner to cooperate—or get fast-tracked to Guantanamo Bay.

“Well, they told a little white lie—that they were interested in Biden only, that if O’Conner cooperated, he’d get full immunity. They didn’t have permission to put that kind of offer on the table, but we grind what grist we must,” our source said.

Still, O’Conner lied transparently.

When asked how he had confirmed Biden’s alleged case of COVID-19, he said “Dr. Stuthelpsthucp” at the UMC Trauma Center in Vegas had made the initial diagnosis and forwarded him the results.

JAG quickly learned no doctor by that name had ever practiced medicine at UMC Vegas. Real Raw News later spoke with a UMC Vegas receptionist, who said, “That’s a unique name. No, we don’t have a Stuthelpsthucp on staff.”

It’s unclear why O’Conner told an easily disprovable falsehood.

By then investigators had taken a reluctant O’Conner to a nearby motel room and handcuffed him to a table.

According to our source, the investigators “put the screws to” O’Conner, “interviewing” him for six hours before he finally started to crack. The story he gave them seemed implausible and absurd. He said he didn’t know if Biden had COVID-19; he couldn’t possibly know because he had never evaluated Biden for any malady, nor had he ever held a stethoscope to Biden’s chest.

He revealed he had once evaluated “a man who looked” like Biden but was actually someone else.

“O’Connor said he was asked by Xavier Becerra to do a checkup on one of Joe Biden’s body doubles. He didn’t know the man’s identity, but the guy apparently had plastic surgery on his face to make him look more like Biden. We’re certainly familiar with lifelike masks, but this is the first time we’ve heard this story. O’Conner said he was sworn to secrecy,” our source said.

Additionally, he told investigators he had a tough time believing Biden had traveled to Vegas, for he was under the impression that Biden was in Delaware when the trip took place.

Our source said O’Conner’s confession, though convoluted and seemingly contrived, was sufficient probable cause to arrest him on the charge of defrauding the United States of America and perhaps treason.

His future is uncertain; O’Conner now lives in a JAG detainment facility while investigators work to determine whether the real Joe Biden is alive or dead.

As an aside, this website has long been criticized for suggesting Biden is alive, contrary to other alternative news outlets that claim he’s been dead and gone a long time. However, we’ve not made that proclamation, only that we’ve yet to see irrefutable, concrete, undeniable proof he’s dead, as have the White Hats to whom we’ve spoken the last four years.

Considering the current political tumult and the Deep State’s fastidious care in orchestrating national deceptions, however, we are more inclined to believe that Sleepy Joe departed this world a while ago, possibly, as the Russians say, after he accidentally traipsed into the Oval Office and saw Barack Obama and Michael Robinson coitally intertwined.

July 24/ 2024
CJCS-General Charles Brown Pulls A Gen. Milley Claims He’s An Undercover Patriot💂‍♀️🎙️⚖️👩‍🚀
History tends to repeat itself.
The late Mark A. Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was tried, convicted, and executed for treason in October 2023, having betrayed the nation, “pledged allegiance” to Joseph R. Biden, and pined for a world in which the U.S. and Ukraine merged into a single country called “The United States of Ukraine,” governed jointly by Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joseph Biden. Following his arrest on September 25, 2023, Milley claimed his apparent betrayal was an act, that he and Donald Trump were working together, clandestinely, to topple the Deep State, and that his detainment jeopardized Trump’s “plan.” When JAG investigators told Milley they would contact Trump to corroborate the story, Milley said the plan was so rooted in secrecy that President Trump wouldn’t acknowledge its existence or Milley’s role. He had stoically maintained his innocence even as President Trump testified at the tribunal remotely, saying Milley ought to be executed, but Milley’s façade finally cracked on the day of his execution, with him boldly shouting, “Ukraine is the future,” before dropping to his death.
History repeats.
Milley’s successor, General Charles Q. Brown, has presumably been spinning a similar yarn since his arrest Sunday morning, claiming without evidence that, prior to his unceremonious detainment, he had been patriotically exposing regime military loyalists—and that someone in the administration must have discovered his duplicity and framed him.
As reported, White Hats apprehended Brown based on an email he had sent to over 600 Armed Forces officers, among them General Smith. In it, Brown acrimoniously disparaged President Trump and encouraged the 600 to vote Blue in November, even if the nominee was Harris. Brown implied he would find Harris a path to victory.
On Tuesday Brown was sitting opposite JAG investigators in an interrogation room. They confronted him with the email, evoking Brown’s rancor, puzzlement, and, later, amusement. He denied authorizing and sending the letter. He asserted his “cover” had been blown and that the Deep State had hacked his email account to set him up.
When asked to expound his claim, Brown said he was a patriot and supported MAGA and Donald Trump. He segued into a seemingly convoluted fable detailing his allegiance to Trump and mysterious mission to expose treacherous military brass abetting the regime’s transition to a one-world government. He ascribed the “fake email” to his love and respect for President Trump, saying, “They discovered me and did this to me, so I’d take a fall. I’m loyal to President Trump. My bona fides speak for themself.”
In August 2020, President Trump oversaw the swearing-in of Brown as Chief of Staff of the Air Force, welcoming him to the “big leagues” and commending his “fantastic job.” It’s unclear whether Trump at the time actually trusted Brown, for the president keeps his friends close and his enemies closer; however, Trump had also said, “Charles was confirmed 98 to nothing. That makes me a little bit concerned, right? Ninety-eight — (laughter). I’ve never heard — I’ve never heard that before.”
Brown mentioned the promotion to the interrogators as proof that Trump trusted him, and vice versa.
“Is that what they teach you guys at Deep State school? To say you’re really a patriot when you get caught. Milley tried the same ploy—he’s dead now,” an interrogator told Brown.

July 23/ 2024
White Hats Military Arrest Secret-Service Director Kimberly Cheatle👩‍🚀🤵‍♀️🚨👨‍🚀
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) agents arrested former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle less than an hour after she resigned amid wrath over her failure to prevent the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, White Hat sources told Real Raw News.
But there’s more to it. White Hats claim that Cheatle imposed restrictive rules of engagement on Trump’s protectorate a day before the fateful rally, instructing them to fire only if fired upon or if a protectee, like President Trump, was already under attack, like getting shot in the ear.
Her sudden orders conflicted with the agency’s longstanding directive to ensure the safety of presidents and former presidents by any and all means necessary. Prior to the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally, that immutable directive had been in place since the Secret Service’s founding in 1901.
Although heated debates have arisen over whether law enforcement observed Thomas Crooks, the alleged shooter, prior to him opening fire, rallygoers and law enforcement on scene admitted to seeing him entering the security perimeter with a rangefinder. Oddly, at least one Secret Service agent didn’t think it suspicious enough to detain him.
But whether Crooks was indeed the actual gunman or worked alone is beyond the scope of this article.
What’s essential is that Cheatle twisted protocol and endangered President Trump, engendering suspicion from Secret Service agents who still recognize Trump as the legitimate POTUS.
Our source said White Hats learned of Cheatle’s new orders through interviews with three Secret Service agents at the Pennsylvania campaign rally. Their depositions reportedly included phrases such as “told to hold fire,” “we were told Trump’s a traitor,” and “try negotiations instead of shooting.”
Real Raw News is awaiting actual copies of those depositions.
July 23/ 2024
President Trump Readies To Pardon J6ers❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🛗🏛️🦸‍♂️🏅
Atop President Trump’s desk in a Mar-a-Lago office is a stack of presidential pardons, signed, dated, and ready to grant clemency to innocent patriots whom the criminal Biden regime prosecuted illegally for peacefully visiting the Capitol on January 6, 2021, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.
Many of the incarcerated have been living, if one can call it that, in decrepit federal prisons that lack even basic amenities, such as flushable toilets, legal books and Bibles, and potable water. Others have lived under a perpetual lockdown, not having seen the light of day in over three years, nor have they had a single visitor. The Deep State sentenced them to a life of squalor with living conditions far worse than those experienced by Deep State detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
President Trump’s signature will exonerate the imprisoned and dismiss all charges against J6ers still held in pretrial confinement or under federal investigation. According to the source, who claims to have seen President Trump signing a few pardons, J6ers will receive financial compensation for each day spent in federal custody, though settlement figures have not yet been ratified. He said President Trump intends to repurpose an unspecified amount of the FBI’s $11.3 billion 2025 budget to compensate J6ers and their families, many of whom lost gainful employment and went bankrupt in the wake of J6. This welcome move will both aid destitute J6ers and cripple the FBI’s ability to wantonly target innocent patriots in the future.
“If President Trump can’t dissolve the FBI, he’ll liquify it by financial attrition,” our source said. “As for our patriots in prison, money can’t right the wrongs the feds did to them, but it can help them rebuild life. President Trump’s going to make sure of that.”
He said the voluminous stack of pardons includes names such as Enrique Tarrio, the Proud Boy serving a 22-year sentence;

July 22/ 2024
White Hats Military Arrest Chairman Joint Chief Of Staff General Charles Brown For Treason👩‍🚀🚨💂🚨👨‍🚀
White Hats have arrested the regime’s most malevolent military loyalist: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Q. Brown, a feckless Biden appointee who emailed myriad Armed Forces officers instructing them to disavow Donald Trump if he wins the 2024 presidential election.
The day after a valiant President Trump survived a heinous assassination attempt, General Smith at Camp Pendleton received an email sent from Brown’s official dot mil address. Based on the names listed in the CC field, 630 officers received the correspondence, mostly Black Hats but also two prominent White Hats, in addition to Gen. Smith.
“Commander in Chief, President Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance—he was sick with a cold—and Trump unfortunately surviving the bullet have put us in a calamitous situation. He will win in November, and not by a small margin. We’re looking at a repeat of 1984’s Regan landslide—a real Red wave. When that happens, we’re doomed unless we recruit others who value Democracy and the rule of law over chaos and division. If you’re receiving this email, I know you and can count on your backing… I (and many of you) will be fired on Jan 20, 2025, if Trump wins, and the risk of us, collectively, going to GITMO is real. None of us want that one-way trip.”
He then addressed the likelihood of Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the Democrat nominee.
“By Monday, Kamala Harris will probably be picked to lead us into an era of prosperity, unity, and strength. Should that take place, she has my full support, and she should have yours, too. Let your conscience guide you, not outside influence or existential crises. If Biden withdraws, we must rally behind Harris. If we find her a path to win, she would be our future,” Brown continued.
A source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that General Smith thinks Brown screwed up, accidentally, somehow, adding Smith’s name to the list of recipients—an unfathomable mistake.
“Can’t imagine how he fucked up like that,” our source said, “but he‘s been on the radar a long time. That email was treason. This clown Brown’s advice is part of the reason the Deep State’s been giving Ukraine limitless money, too. Gen. Smith decided it was time to hasten his trip to GITMO.”
The general and his allies at Joint Special Operations Command began planning Brown’s arrest on July 16. They tasked Delta Force with conducting the operation, which involved grabbing Brown following his appearance at the Aspen Security Forum’s D.C. campus, where Brown and Fox News political correspondent Jennifer Griffin had a warm chat about the United States’ role in worldly affairs last Friday—not long after an allegedly accidental global IT outage affected 8.5 million Windows devices.

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