President Joe Biden's Infamous September 9, 2021 COVID-19 Speech (Edited By A Midwestern Doctor)

6 months ago

How Biden's Mandates Were His Downfall
Examining one of the most pivotal moments of the pandemic
A Midwestern Doctor
July 24, 2024


On July 25, 2024, Pierre Kory, MD MPA @PierreKory writes:

On 9/9/21 Biden announced his illegal mandates. There, he asserted numerous known lies about the "100% safe and effective" vaccine and incited hatred against the unvaccinated. He's now had 5 shots, become ill from COVID 3 times, and rapidly declined.

As the full speech is 27 minutes, my colleague @MidwesternDoc trimmed it to 12 minutes. This was one of the darkest speeches in our history and everyone needs to see it so this is not allowed to happen again.

The transcript of it is as follows:

We have the tools to combat the virus if we can come together as a country and use those tools. If we raise our vaccination rate and protect ourselves and others with masking and expanding testing and identify people who are infected, we can and we will turn the tide on Covid 19. Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated even though the vaccine is safe, effective, and free.

While the vaccines provide strong protection for the vaccinated, we read about it, and hear about them and we see the stories of hospitalized people, people on their deathbeds, among the unvaccinated over the past few weeks. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and it’s caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in almost 80 thousand different locations we still have nearly 80 million Americans who failed to get the shot. And to make matters worse, their elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against Covid 19. Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and masked up, they’re ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying from Covid in their communities. This is totally unacceptable. One quarter has not gotten any. That twenty five percent can cause a lot of damage, and they are. The unvaccinated over crowd our hospitals, are overrunning emergency rooms and intensive care units leaving no room for someone with a heart attack or pancreatitis or cancer.

And fourth, I want to emphasize that the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from Covid 19. I know there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation but the world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated your risk of severe illness from Covid 19 is very low. In fact, based on available data from the summer, only one out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for Covid per day.

What makes it incredibly more frustrating is we have the tools to combat Covid 19 and the distinct minority of Americans, supported by distinct minority of elected officials are keeping us from turning the corner. These pandemic politics as I refer to are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die. We can not allow these actions to stand in the way of protecting a large majority of Americans who have done their part and want to get back to life as normal.

As your President, I’m announcing tonight a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated to combat those blocking public health. We must increase vaccinations among the unvaccinated with new vaccination requirements. Of the nearly 80 million eligible Americans who have not gotten vaccinated, many said they were waiting for approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA. Well, last month the FDA granted that approval. So, the time for waiting is over. Four million more people got their first shot in August than they did in July but we need to do more.

This is not about freedom or personal choice it’s about protecting yourself and those around you, the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love. My job as President is to protect all Americans so tonight I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated.

The bottom line, we’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers. We’re going to reduce the spread of Covid 19, by increasing the share of the workforce that is vaccinated in businesses all across America.

We will require vaccinations for all nursing home workers who treat patients on Medicare and Medicaid because I have that federal authority.

Tonight I’m using that same authority to expand that to a total of seventeen million healthcare workers. If you’re seeking care at a health care facility you should be able to know that the people treating you are vaccinated, simple straight forward, period. Next, I will sign and Executive Order that will now require all Executive Branch federal employees to be vaccinated, all. And I have signed another Executive Order that will require federal contractors to do the same.

You want to do business with the federal government, vaccinate your workforce. And tonight, I’m removing one of the last remaining obstacles that make it difficult for you to get vaccinated. The Department of Labor will require departments of 100 or more workers, to give those workers paid time off to get vaccinated. No one should lose pay in order to get vaccinated or take a loved one to get vaccinated. Today, in total the vaccine requirements of my plan will affect about 100 million Americans, two thirds of all workers. And for other sectors, I issue this appeal. For those of you running large entertainment venues, sports arenas, concert venues, to movie theaters, please require folks to get vaccinated.

To the nation’s physicians: You’re the most trusted medical voice to your patients. You may be the one person who can get someone to change their mind about being vaccinated. Tonight, I’m asking each of you to reach out to your unvaccinated patients over the next two weeks and make a personal appeal to them to get the shot.

My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see? We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us. So, please, do the right thing, just don’t take it from me listen to the voice of unvaccinated Americans who are lying in hospital beds, taking their final breath saying: If only I had gotten vaccinated - if only. It’s a tragedy. For the vast majority of you who have gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated. I understand the anxiety about getting a breakthrough case. Last month our top government doctors announced an initial plan for booster shots for vaccinated Americans. They believe that a booster is likely to provide the highest level of protection yet. We’ve done our part. As soon as they are authorized, those eligible will be able to get a booster right away.

The third piece of my plan is keeping our children safe and our schools open. For any parent, it doesn’t matter how low the risk of any illness or accident is when it comes to your child or grandchild, trust me, I know. The safest thing for your child, twelve and older, is to get them vaccinated. They get vaccinated for a lot of things. That’s it, get them vaccinated. What about the children under the age of twelve who cant’ get vaccinated yet? Well, the best way for a parent to protect their child under the age of twelve starts at home. Every parent, every teen sibling, every caregiver around them should be vaccinated. Now, if you’re a parent of a young child and you’re wondering when it will be, when will it be, the vaccine available for them?

I will do everything within my power to support the FDA with any resource it needs to continue to do this as safely and as quickly as possible.

Today about ninety percent of school staff and teachers are vaccinated. We should get that to one hundred percent.

Tonight I’m announcing that we require all of nearly 300,000 educators in the federal HEP paid program Head Start Program must be vaccinated as well to protect your youngest, our youngest, most precious Americans and give parents the comfort. And tonight, I’m calling on all governors to require vaccination for all teachers and staff. Some already have done so - we need more to step up.

My plan also takes on elected officials of states that are undermining you and these life saving actions. Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. Talk about bullying schools. If they’ll not help, these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I will use my power as president to get them out of the way. The Department of Education is already begun to take legal action against states undermining protection that local school officials have ordered.

We know masking helps stop the spread of Covid 19, that’s why when I came into office I required all masks for federal buildings, on federal lands, airlines, and other modes of transportation. Tonight, I’m announcing that the transportation safety administration, the TSA, will double the fines on travelers who refuse to mask. If you break the rules, be prepared to pay. And by the way, show some respect. The anger you see on television towards flight attendants and others doing their job is wrong, it’s ugly.

Because of our vaccination program and the American Rescue Plan which we passed early in my administration, we’ve had record job creation. We cannot let unvaccinated do this progress - undo it, turn it back.

Additionally, we’re increasing the availability of new medicines recommended by real doctors, not conspiracy theorists.

We’ve made so much progress during the past seven months of this pandemic. We have the tools, now we just have to finish the job with truth, with science, with confidence.

Look we’re the United States of America, there’s nothing, not a single thing we’re unable to do if we do it together, so, lets stay together and God bless you all.

Get vaccinated.

at which point Biden walks away and refuses to take questions on the most controversial act of his presidency, and something which prior to this, both he and his staff had repeatedly promised they would not and could not do:

The full speech and its transcript can be found at:


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