The Tension Between Unity and Truth; Phil. 3:1-3

6 months ago

Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 7/21/2024. Paul seems to abruptly change his focus to concentrate on the dangers of false teachers who are apparently causing trouble in the church at Philippi. But we will see that although his words become harsh and pointed, he is continuing and emphasizing themes that have been present throughout his letter. We will analyze the specific threat Paul is responding to as the Judaizers try to add a works-based doctrine to the Gospel. We will discuss the tension that exists within every church in every age to make their way through an ever-changing culture but at the same time remain true to Scripture. Paul's desire that the church at Philippi remain unified will once again stop short of corrupting the truth of the Gospel. Ultimately we will learn how important mature discernment is when our own church is confronted with the ever-present tension between unity and truth.

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