Chicken Little Fauci, Dr Walensky, CDC, FDA Removed Our pharmaceutical forbears vaccine standards in 2015. (2:04in)

7 months ago

They changed our forbears standards, is what they did, unbeknownst to the American people Under Barack Obama and Joe Biden in 2015. Then when Biden/Harris got in again they mandated a faux-vaccine. We were sold a vaccine that is a watered-down definition of what Americans' over 40 expect from a Vaccine. In 2015 under the Obama Administration "another definition" was changed on the American people.

In the old definition a vaccine PREVENTED getting the pathogen as most Americans' over 40 expected. The CDC and FDA removed the word PREVENTS from the definiition making the definition no more valuable than a flu-shot, which everyone knows DOES NOT PREVENT one getting the pathogen, but "may make it less virulent". So, when COVID19 hit our shores in 2020, and a "vaccine was found around November 2020 through Operation Warpspeed and sold & recommended to Americans, everyone thought they were getting a vaccine UNDER the old definition of Vaccination which meant PREVENTS.

If we had known the definition was changed in 2015, and the word PREVENTS was removed we would have realized we were getting nothing more efficacious than a Flu-shot, which everyone over 40 knows DOES NOT PREVENT one from getting the flu.

Another change of definitions, and in this case there was a "Truth in Advertising" issue. Americans (Canadians & Mexicans as well) and world-citizenry were told the COVID19 shot PREVENTED the spread. IF we knew these NEW "so-called" vaccinations were as efficacious as a flu-shot, and Children Under 35 had an Infection Fatality Rate of Zero/0 we would not have been goaded and coerced as we were.

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