❗Quantum A.I. Tech❗ Stop NGO Illegal Alien Ballot Mills for 2024 election 🛑

7 months ago

Time Is Running Out for Republicans to Clean Up the Voter Rolls – Here’s How the GOP Can Stop the Illegal Alien Ballot Mills with Patented fractal technology | The first week of August is the last time to take anyone off the voter rolls. As many will find, very few voters have been removed from voter rolls for the last 4 years.

Voter rolls protect people – if they have a name, thus an identity. 40 years of election law make sure no person is ever taken off a voter roll unless there is some extraordinary circumstance. That’s the thing about disenfranchisement.

Leftists know this – so they load up voter rolls with illegal aliens knowing the feckless Republicans will never challenge a guy named Jose Rodriguez – who is registered at a Walmart – has no social media presence – never voted before – and speaks no English.

Republicans are terrified to challenge anyone individually – so they litigate against masses of voter laws that screw them – and of course, they lose.

The Fractal team, working in several states came up with a different strategy.

Why challenge a person? Challenge an address.

Jay Valentine led the team that built the TSA No-Fly List and currently runs the world’s largest election database. Jay can be reached at Omega4America.com ''
Thousands of ballots are being sent by NGOs to vacant commercial addresses with bedrooms such as Walmart, gas stations, vacant lots and closed businesses.

In 2024, these teams built databases in all the swing states – comparing property tax rolls with voter rolls.

Beginning in earnest in 2022, late in the year, illegal aliens were being registered by NGOs (non-governmental orgs) and they did not register them at homes – they registered them at ballot mills.

Why not track every NGO – not some – but millions of them – tracking every dollar spent, every dollar received – every employee to see if they may be at another NGO (many are) – and tying many to the Chinese government-sponsored or affiliated NGOs working for Leftists?

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