H3988 SC Senate How pharmacies are to administer shots legally.

5 months ago

Senate Report of the Committee of the Conference Adopted. 1. This bill does not require informed consent and protects the pharmacy and the company that is distributing the vaccine from liability. Senator Hutto and all legislators consented to taking out the warning language for a potential risk that in the past was previously required, and they removed the requirement of disclosure of when a “vaccine” is in an investigative stage.
2. He claims that a provision for “informed consent” was added, but then goes on to infer that the requirement of the pharmacists/techs/interns to give the risks/benefits of the shots was not practical. For more information on how the shots will be administered to children please go to the SC website. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess125_2023-2024/prever/3988_20240626.htm

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