Dr Graeme Munro-Hall - Toxic Dentistry

5 months ago

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The UK Medical Freedom Alliance is honoured to be joined in this broadcast by Dr Graeme Munro-Hall, a good friend to our organisation and a fighter for healthy approaches to Dentistry and the abolition of Fluoride treatments and Mercury in dental fillings.

In this broadcast we discuss Fluoridation of water, especially in relation to the closing date of the consultation re. proposed fluoridation in the North East of England. See our campaign here: https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/campaigns-2/stop-water-fluoridation

We also discuss the dangers of Fluoride in toothpaste.

Dr Munro-Hall, graduated at St. Andrews Univ. 1971 and became a General Dental Practitioner with 2 other dentists. In 1988, he found Mike Ziff’s book “Toxic Time Bomb” in a service station when buying fuel in a remote part of the north of England. The next weekend he was in Detroit, USA, at his first IAOMT (The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology) meeting. He is a member to this day. https://iaomt.org/

Mercury free for over 40 years and metal free for 20 years, he authored, with his wife Dr. Lilian Munro-Hall, the book: TOXIC DENTISTRY EXPOSED. https://amzn.eu/d/0bF3zYjm

He is the Chief Dental Officer for the World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry. https://mercuryfreedentistry.net/

He is the resident expert regarding dental mercury for the Minamata Convention and was instrumental in obtaining the first restriction on the use of amalgam in Germany in 1996.

He is also the co-developer of V-Tox Therapy, a protocol for treating Modern Chronic Diseases.

By his own admission he has been a PITA for Dental Authorities for over 40 years.

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