FBI Vs Sovereigns

6 months ago

Tackling Sovereign Citizen accusations.

Chisholm v. Georgia was the first great constitutional case decided by the Supreme Court.

In Chisholm, the Court addressed the fundamental question: Who is Sovereign? The People or the State?

It adopted an individual concept of popular sovereignty rather than the modern view that limits popular sovereignty to collective or democratic self-government.

In Chisholm, the Justices of the Supreme Court rejected Georgia’s claim to be sovereign. They concluded instead that, to the extent the term “sovereignty” is even appropriately applied to the newly adopted Constitution, sovereignty rests with the people, rather than with state governments.

According to Justice Wilson, to the extent one wishes to use the word “sovereignty” at all, sovereignty lies in the people themselves, not in any government formed by the people.

This is the principle that “laws derived from the pure source of equality and justice must be founded on the CONSENT of those, whose obedience they require.

The sovereign, when traced to his source, must be found in the man.”

In other words, obedience must rest on the consent of the only “sovereign” from which justice and equality rest: the individual person who is asked to obey the law.

Wilson believed that the only reason “a free man is bound by human laws, is, that he binds himself.

Sovereignty is the inherent and independent right to do all that is necessary to govern oneself.

In the United States, the People are sovereign.

In fact, only the individual is truly sovereign, because only the people, and not government, have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property, along with the right to protect and preserve it.

Our Declaration of Independence tells us about our individual sovereignty.

In the first paragraph, we are told that our sovereignty is based on Natural Law and God’s Law – “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”

The only rightful power our government has is the power that the People – by the consent of the governed and according to the precise language and intent of our Constitution – have temporarily delegated to it.

In that grant of power, in a system based on the Sovereignty of the Individual, there is always a mechanism to take that power back.

That is why the Declaration explicitly states that the People have the right to “alter or abolish” their government (when it become destructive of its aims).

In fact, that right is so important and so fundamental, it is listed with the other inherent rights that individuals possess.

In other words, what the Declaration is saying is that the People of the “united States” have the right to reclaim the sovereign power that they temporarily delegated to that government to govern and protect their liberties.

Again, this is because our system was premised on the Sovereignty of the Individual.

Let's look at "citizen".

n. person who by place of birth, nationality of one or both parents, or by going through the naturalization process has sworn loyalty to a nation.

​But the FBI claims one who stands upon their Bill of Rights, is. "sovereign citizen".

Sure there are criminals doing fraudulent things using the doctrine of being a sovereign citizen, but there are criminals who are not using the doctrine of sovereign citizens performing the exact same crimes of fraud.

Just like there are honorable sovereign people who are NOT committing crimes.

​For the FBI to gather all of those who wish to be free into the same bucket is the same as the citizens to state all of the FBI is corrupt because SOME ARE.

Back at ya fucktards.

Since it's abundantly clear that the United States of America is not the same as the United States, (just read the code 28 USC 3002 (15) it says it right there) and a citizen of the United States Of America is not the same as a US citizen, (just read the voter registration for of any state written by ATTORNEYS) anyone who accuses a person standing up for their rights as a negative action in the world is simply as ignorant as can be.

To be a citizen of the US corporation is nothing I want to be a part of nor will I be tricked into it since they simply exchanged the word "subject" from England to "citizen".

I am a citizen of my state and the United States Of America.

I am not a US citizen (subject) of the corporation known as the US, UNITED STATES, nor United States. OF AMERICA is the qualifier. It's OF the states.

OF is a word that changes the meaning.

As such, there are no laws that I am required to do business with a single private for profit corporation acting under the color of law pretending to be a government agency. (18 USC 241 & 242)

So no, FBI, I do not use fake ID, or fake anything. I do not commit crimes, I harm no one, and I own everything my sweat and toil has paid for and I do not donate it to the control of the agencies.

I don't use "fake plates" as there is no law I must use those of the state.

fake adj.
Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.
My plates reflect my status.
They do not pretend to be that of the state.

There is no law that I must acquire a government ID.

My ID identifies my physical characteristics, my name, and has my photo. I am not required to inform you where I domicile.

I don't owe the government to be registered with them, more than they got me at the event of my birth and unlawful issuance of a social security identifier.

Quoting the Bible is not a crime since the law comes from the Bible.

Standing up for my God given rights is also not a crime.

Whereas the FBI has no charter to even be operating outside of the scope of the corporation.

Make them produce it and lets see who is actually unlawful.

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