Mankind's Arrogance Is Creating His Own Destruction!

7 months ago

~ The problem begins before conception...
Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS (1870-1948) Began an investigation in the 1930's...for over ten years he traveled to isolated parts of the earth to study the health of population's untouched by 'Western Civilization'.
The isolated groups(Indigenous Tribes)Dr. Price investigated understood the importance of "PreConceptual Nutrition" for BOTH parents. Many tribes required a period of special feeding before conception, in which nutrient-dense animal foods were given to young men and women.
~ The isolated people Price photographed - with their fine bodies, ease of reproduction, emotional stability and freedom from degenerative ills stand forth in sharp contrast to "Civilized" moderns subsisting on the "Displacing foods of modern commerce," including SUGAR, WHITE FLOUR, PASTEURIZED MILK, LOWFAT FOODS, VEGETABLE OILS and Convenience items filled with extenders and additives.
~ The discoveries and conclusions of Dr. Price are presented in his classic volume, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration".
Excerpt from:
The upcoming book titled:
SOUL HUNGER 'Denial And The Struggle Within'
by; Dennis Charles Durbin

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