Jakoba's Reign of Terror (pt 43)

7 months ago

Jakoba is whipping Jubali. He threatens Jubali that they are not blood family. Jubali does not comply and is beaten heavily. Jakoba threatens to purify Puthade and beats him raw and broken. At the end, Jakoba beats the whole Tasihara family. Bodies are dumped over the wall of the Puthadian High Castle. Jubali’s harem is contained and captured. Jakoba finds a harem full of human children. He precedes to threaten and intimidate the children. Jakoba curses the Temple of Serenity. Jakoba curses the whole city and the harem children attack Jakoba. He throws them off like toys in fits of rage. He rips up a child in his bare hands to show his power. The children shudder and cry. Jakoba commits several sacrifices to summon a demon. The demon demands human flesh upon the altar. The demon feasts and several are slaughtered. Jakoba offers the demon a reward if he helps him win the War on Earth. The demon tells Jakoba it plans to destroy Christian Faith. The demon wants to restore the pagan faiths and Jakoba offers to do this. Jakoba and demon both find that Sockness is spying on them. The demon wants to use Sockness in his plans. Michiro and Sockness talk about Jakoba’s slaughter. Michiro and Sockness negotiate terms to return home. Michiro promises Sockness a place in Pan Mythica. Sockness negotiates trust and power over help to return home. Michiro explains that the Rokat only want peace. Sockness wants Earth to be taken by the Rokat. Michiro is leader of an anti-Jakoba movement. Jakoba corrupts the Temple of Serenity. Jakoba killed 840,000 deaths in Puthade during a military test. Jakoba trains a piece-time legion for military strikes. Jakoba investigates Michiro and others in his government for treason. Jakoba changes commands within his personal guard. Jakoba goes home and celebrates the 840,000 kills they made during the training mission. Sockness debriefs Jakoba and confirms what he already knew. Sockness learns what Unicornia actually looks like. Michael Jackson is like a Puthadian. Jubali created sexual perversion to control Earth. We learn where Jubali obtains his children. My Little Pony is a theme in Jubali’s harem life. Jakoba reveals the truth about aging out of Jubali’s harem. They are cooked as food.

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