History of Tomb Al-Nabi Yusha (AS) | تاریخ مقبرہ النبی یوشع علیہ السلام

7 months ago

@islamichistory813 #ReligiousHistory #ProphetYusha #HistoricalSites

History of Tomb Al-Nabi Yusha (AS)

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, we are Describing the fascinating history of Tomb Al-Nabi Yusha (AS) with this islamic history of holiest video. We are trying to Uncovering the legends and myths associated with this ancient tomb and get to know a deeper understanding of its cultural importance.

Allah Almighty sent 124,000 prophets out of which one was Hazrat Yusha Bin Nun (AS)the great-grandson of Prophet Yousuf (AS)

His bibical name is Prophet Joshua and full name is Yusha ibn Noon Ibn Afraaeem Ibn Yousuf (AS)

Prophet Yusha bin Nun (AS) was born in 1336BC in present-day Egypt and died in 1209BC at the age of 127 years. It was the time when Prophet Musa (AS) was the Rasool.

It is said that Efraim Ibn Yusuf was the grandfather of Prophet Yusha Ibn Nun (AS). If this is true, Prophet Yusul (AS) was the great-grandfather of Prophet Yusha (AS)

Hazrat Yusha bin Nun (AS) died in 1209BC at the age of 127 years in present-day Jordan where his tomb is situated today.

According to Muslim scholars Hz. Yusha (AS) was the leader of the faithful following the death of Hz. Musa *AS). Some also believe him to be the “attendant” of Hz. Musa (AS) mentioned in the Quran before Hz. Musa (AS) meets Hz. Khizr (AS)

Tradition identifies the prophet Yushu, al-Nabi Yusha' (AS), with Joshua, despite the fact that according to Tanach, Joshua was buried in Samaria, in Timnat-Serah or Timnat Jerez, where he also has a maqam in his honor; "And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnath-serah that the mountain of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash "(Iis.Nav.24: 30).

Whatever it was, this place in the mountains of Naftali is still revered by both Muslims and Jews. The shrine was surveyed by the British School of Archaeology in 1994 CE, who described it as rectangular structure formed around a courtyard, aligned north-south, which was entered through a gateway on the north end. The principal rooms were at the south end of the courtyard, with two major domed chambers, of which the west chamber was found to be the oldest in the whole shrine complex.

Alternative traditional sites for the Prophet's tomb are situated in Turkey (the shrine on Joshua's Hill, Istanbul), Jordan (an-Nabi Yusha' bin Noon, a Sunni shrine near the city of al-Salt) and Iraq (the Nabi Yusha' shrine of Baghdad).

Whatever it was, this place in the mountains of Naftali is still revered by both Muslims and Jews. The shrine was surveyed by the British School of Archaeology in 1994 CE, who described it as rectangular structure formed around a courtyard, aligned north-south, which was entered through a gateway on the north end. The principal rooms were at the south end of the courtyard, with two major domed chambers, of which the west chamber was found to be the oldest in the whole shrine complex.

So friends, tomorow inshahAllah same time, will be described, History of Tomb of Hazrat Noah (AS). Allah Hafiz


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