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Atonement, Forgiveness & Standards
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Atonement, Forgiveness & Standards
The key to receiving blessings and protection all falls on you and your choices. To unlock the door to peace starts and ends with forgiveness. Psalm 88:12 Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? And thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 In taking our sins to the “land cut off” and to the “land of forgetfulness,” they are not merely paid for but ultimately forgotten. Jesus paid the price for all sin this the father has cast them into the land of forgetfulness. A place where all sin goes never to return or be brought up. This means if you bring up your sin, whether past, present or future, none of the trinity will know what you are talking about. All they ask is for you to do the same.
Forgiveness means to forget. Never to be brought up. Out of sight and mind. Jesus said at the cross to forgive them for they know not what they do. After his atonement, the father did. Otherwise, why ask and not be heard? Jesus meant all of us. Past, present, future. Not the ones who were crucifying him. This is the hardest thing to do for us. The word sorry holds no weight. A grudge can live a lifetime. Shame is the culprit. Bringing up old hurting that can seem shameful for ourselves, often stop us from forgiving others. Like you lost the upper hand, therefore not forgiving someone for what they did and keeping on punishing them gives us the feeling of having the upper hand. Controlling our narrative by guarding our heart.
So, in order to forgive others, you have to figure out why you can’t let go of it after they apologized. People make mistakes but you feel they wouldn’t if you were in control. This means you love yourself more than you love others. You can’t let go because you would never do that. That is the beginning stage of protective narcissism. Building a wall of control to shield you from shame. The internet has been a brilliant test of human character. It’s a protective shield from consequence that allows people to behave how they would behave if there was no shame. We often keep silent on many thoughts we have out of politeness when in front of people but the shield of shame is up and the true nature of the person is revealed in their comments.
Personal examination, reflection and the simple truth needs to be presented if one is to start their journey towards forgetfulness. The first person that needs to be forgave is you. You have to come to the realization that you can’t control anyone else outside of your mind. Mathew 6:4 says For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you and Colossians 3:1:3 says As the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. God isn’t saying you have to forgive first between you and him. He simply is saying if you forget the incident, so does he. Memories are a choice, too. You have the power to stop yourself from thinking about it. You can intentionally forget bad memories by filling your mind with more positive things. Your brain has a limited focus, and you can only keep so many thoughts in your immediate sphere of awareness. Try to replace the negative memory by exposing your brain to something brighter.
Action is also important for forgetfulness. You may be confronted by the person who wronged you. What can you do to act like nothing ever happened? Here’s the hard part. Every ounce of our being seems to want to make others hurt. Eye for an eye. But that is Old Testament. The Ten Commandments never worked because we don’t respond to commands in kind. Our fallen nature rebels against it. Our body and soul are an enemy to our spirit. The Bible says the spirit is willing but the soul is weak. I personally have problems with forgiveness. It’s not that I am not willing, my problem is that I was taught to hold grudges. Maybe a generational curse, maybe it’s from trauma, who knows, but what I need to do is unlearn what I was taught. And that is a choice. Like any habit, no one can make you stop something that is toxic. You have to want to change.
Forgiveness is doing something that doesn’t feel normal or right. It goes against our rebellious nature. We try to take control by teaching a lesson in shame and humility to those who cross us. But the only person we are truly torturing is ourselves. That’s the mind. It thinks it’s in the Truman show. Everyone is crazy, but you. Everyone is mean, yet you are a good person. Why would they do this to me? I would never respond like that. It’s like we have temporary amnesia and forget all the times we actually made mistakes. This is why Jesus called us all hypocrites, which is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform to. Choosing to forget our bad deeds while judging your victim for theirs holding them in contempt. What good does it do? When someone says they are sorry, that should be the end of their sentencing. Paid in full. Practicing such techniques takes a willing heart and a sacrifice to your ego. When you master this and choose to love your neighbor by instant forgiveness, evil can’t touch you and blessings pour over everything you touch.
A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable. What is acceptable when it comes to punishment? Does god hold higher standards than we do? Do we care more about our own than god does?
Jesus closed the book on the law. He was the ultimate perfect legalist and taught legalism, not grace. Jesus had to be perfect under the Torah laws in order to cancel the contract the devil had with man. Since man could never live their entire life without sin, the devil took them after the first death to his kingdom. God gave man 10 laws. Man extended them to 613. All throughout Jesus’ life, before his ministry, he was studying all of man’s scriptures and scrolls to perfect their system. So that, when Jesus died and went to Satan’s kingdom, they saw no fault in him thus cancelling out the arrangement the devil had with Adam and Eve. In God’s eyes, sin wasn’t the issue. The issue was Satan received all of the rights to the earth and sky and everything under it after he tricked Eve to eat off the forbidden fruit. Satan tricked Eve and went to court in heaven, stated his rightful claim and received full title and ownership.
The title gave Satan thermodynamics to destroy whatever he wanted under the sun whether now or later through decay. This would last 4,000 years until the prophets on earth figured out that they had to speak Jesus into existence. That was 4 days in heaven God watched Satan create kingdoms and destroy them for his own pleasure while the father’s hands were tied. If the father intervened and took away Satan’s deceptive rights to his title, then that cancels out all creation under the law of free will. Since god created everything from his mouth, with the exception of one time creating Adam with his hands, would have to unspeak everything out of existence which means Satan or Lucifer would not exist anymore. And believe me, he would rather not exist than spend an eternity in the lake of fire.
Free will means the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Lucifer rebelled because he had that right. To do whatever he wanted without intervention. God would be a dictator if his creation couldn’t leave him and go off on their own. Any angel or saint has the right to not worship god and live away from his presence if they want. God would oblige and hope you come back, but since Lucifer wanted to fight God, a new kingdom had to be created for the devil and 1/3rd of all the hosts of heaven. Since Lucifer wanted to rule by being opposite of all of what god created, that kingdom was created and given to him. Since heaven is beauty, the opposite is ugly.
When Jesus died by the hands of his own creation, he descended down to hell and was found blameless to be held captive . Satan gave the keys of death and hell to Jesus immediately. This means Jesus now owns the rights to death and hell. It’s his. Satan is now stuck on Earth and the ether without any communication with his kingdom. He only has the nephilim spirits, some of his entourage and man to do his bidding. That means possession of man and man using alchemical technological means to build a pick to that lock. That’s what cern is. Lock picking is the practice of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. I believe with the help of man, satan has finally accomplished this.
The real scam now is the Christian church. Teaching man that if they don’t accept Jesus, then they burn in hell. how could they? Jesus owns it. Jesus paid the atonement for all 2,000 years ago and set us free from legalism, death and hell. Satan knows this so he’s perverted the gospel using pastors, bishops, cardinals, popes and ministers to try to get man back into the law of Moses. Why? Because it’s blaspheming Jesus’ work of atonement. Satan knows there is one sin that is unforgivable. Blaspheming the Holy Ghost. This is when you bypass Jesus’ atonement and go back to the law of Moses. This is the bad news gospel trying to get you focused on the idea that you don’t belong to Jesus until you confess your sin and start living holy. Satan is trying to reverse Jesus’ work, that’s why he is resurrecting the third temple and going back to sacrificing unblemished animals. The Vatican removed a lot of the truth out of the Bible or what may be referred to as Ba Baal. Which means Lord Baal. Before you start the hate, consider the source that for the last 30 years the church has been exposed in drugs, sexual abuse and money laundering and you trust their bi-baal? God said in Habakkuk my people perish for lack of knowledge. Why would we if the Bible is 100% accurate without blemish? We have to seek the truth that will set us free and not rely on the Vatican’s choice of books.
The lord warned me about giving me more wisdom when I continued to ask for more. He said it’s dangerous and may drive me mad. But as I write this article, I am reminded about mine and God’s standards, which means a level of quality or attainment. If I think casting a person in hell for eternity because they are a sinner and never cared for Christ is harsh, what kind of standards does a perfect god have for this cruelty? Especially when we are born without the will to want to be on an earth full of wickedness and hate, and God says hey kid, come find me but only a few do? Seriously? What am I missing? Oh yeah, the synagogue of Satan hijacked my learning tools and I am left with the law that is now written on my heart. Before Jesus sends me to hell, I demand a debate with him and his standards of unconditional love. I’ll give examples of how my own son suffered on earth with autism and self injurious behavior while I watched helpless. Then show him that I never built a jail cell for Oliver because he didn’t accept my love or the works I did for him. I may have a case in court to prove I love more and he may have to unspeak us all out of existence. Or face the fact that Satan hid the truth from me. I like that option better.
We are all Gods
Every day, we are bombarded with rumors, psyops, misinformation and doubts. Our very existence throws us curve balls that are hard to hit. Supernatural events, religion and quantum physics have us absolutely confused as to the nature of our purpose. All we see is evil and it’s disturbing. We can’t seem to quite put our finger on it. Is it just men and their conquest for power or is it deeper? We knew there was a certain level of evil in this world but never could have guessed how more it outweighs good. We reason with ourselves that this shall pass and good shall overcome but are not seeing any real change in that direction. The thought of is god dead and we are actually screwed often comes into mind as if the idea that we are all alone in this becomes true. Are we alone? Were the Jews alone when the Germans decided to exterminate them? Was Rwanda alone during their genocide? Or Russia during the Bolshevik revolution? What about the greatest massacre ever to happen during the Ottoman Empire? Millions upon millions murdered for power and glory. If history repeats, then why are we concerned with the latest events? This is us. We allow it. We are guilty. If you learned of any of the massacres above and are not doing everything within your power and resources to stop this from happening again, you are complicit. It starts with information. You learn and ask questions. Why did this happen? Your teacher explains it happened because of power, expansion and greed. After you write your research paper, you move on with life and forget it ever happened. Why don’t they teach us to never let it happen again?
But we are taught the wrong information and are brainwashed to not rise up. Any inch of excuse and deflection won’t change the fact that history still continues to repeat. The fear of death or homelessness crawls inside our mind as if that is more justifiable than speaking up or standing up with a bullhorn and a voice. After a country is divided, genocided and ruled over, the perpetrators that initiated the violence will blame you. And they have more weight in their argument than you do. They know the numbers. They understand the game. They figured out that their nature is to rule or be ruled. It starts in the small village and grows outward to populated cities. The idea of a good guy saving the day is usually fantasy. It’s also selfish and inconsiderate given the fact that you are waiting for that good guy instead of being it yourself. Fixing a flat tire or giving a homeless person money is admirable but will not stop the age old theory of rule or be ruled by evil men. Eventually, when evil pushes good, evil knows good will bow down. It’s the right thing to do the good says to themselves. Turn the other cheek when you are stricken. Is your that was Jesus taught? We go to church and expect him to save us with theories of Harpazo and a 1,000 year reign of peace. Even I believed in the pre-rapture of a loving father removing his bride from the war to be in the wedding. I even had a vivid rapture dream that kept me in that fantasy. But in war, if you find yourself in between two forces battling it out, you are no more safe than a mouse dropped in a cage with a snake. Still, we throw scriptures at our mess to justify the hero yet miss the context of the hero whom left his suit of power in you. Superman did come down and left all his power. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father. His work is finished. He gave you more power than him so why are you waiting for him to stop the devil when you had the power to do it yourself? The Holy Ghost lives in you now and he has the truth and comfort with him. When was the last time you asked the Holy Spirit what to do? He has the manual and it comes with comfort.
There is only one thing that pleases a god that most don’t believe in. Faith. It’s the idea that if you believe something will happen, it will. The father isn’t waiting for your faith in him. He’s waiting for your faith in overcoming evil. It’s as easy as turning the light on. You walk throughout the world unafraid of what is visually terrifying and laugh at its projection. Like NEO when he realized the bullets flying towards him were not real. Neither are the world leaders. They don’t exist. They are a story of a book that never changes other than the characters name. You are reading a book over and over and allowing it to be your world without ever realizing that it’s all in your imagination. Who would have thought you could lift your head up and put the book down and grab another one? Didn’t Jesus say we all are gods? And we are part of him? This means we don’t have to listen to the ones who are stuck in the book ruling to not be ruled. The Bible, although tampered with, still gives us this answer all throughout it. Every prophet and disciple realized they personally had enough of the lies and stood up to the problem. They put the book down and began a new one. And if they didn’t put the book down, they took out their pen and re-wrote it to fit their narrative. We all have the ability to write ourselves out of this nightmare by first recognizing that it’s just a dream. We all are gods. This is our book, the Bible. Ours to re-write. We can stop Armageddon or any form of genocide any time we want. You don’t need a guru or a seminar or a degree to satisfy the controllers. The genocidal maniacs already knew this truth and they did everything they could to hide it. Until now. You choose to embrace the negative. It’s opposite of happiness. You chose to believe what you see and hear. You chose to feel fear. You chose to hate. You chose to keep this going. You’re the one reading the book. Everyone else will do what they do. Continue how the book was written. They follow the story. You did. I used to think that one person could never change the world. Words or ideas from one person can drown in the controlled airwaves so why bother? Well, I never thought my spirit was actually reading a book and my mind is playing out the story using my imagination. I never was taught I could lift my spirit’s head up and stop reading this book. Or grab a pen and cross lines through the story and add my own since I am in control of the entire narrative.
I alone am a god. I inadvertently allowed evil to trick me into believing I live in an evil world and there is nothing I can do. I always had the ability to say no and choose my own path instead of what was written in the book. And why not? If you call me a god as Jesus did, then I can write my own history. I cannot die. I cannot lose. I simply am in control of my own fate and destiny through choices. I choose where I end up whether in hell or in heaven. Is it blasphemy or is that what the religious book holders tell me to keep me locked inside reading their narrative of control. Could I be a celestial being inside a machine called Yahweh just playing a game of natural 3D existence forgetting that I put that quarter in for entertainment purposes? What if I took the helmet off before the game ends? Would I always wonder how I finished the game? Would I go back and try to get where I got now? Or, will I latch onto this new found philosophy and finish the game on my terms through choices? After all, I am a god. Maybe Jesus played the game and left his initials to find what I just found? His signature throughout the game or book that we chose to play in the first place. It’s time I stop allowing the negative energy to lie to me and do what Jesus said as his last commandment. Love god who gave us this opportunity and love your neighbor because they can’t see what I see. And if you can’t seem to pull your head out the book or take the helmet off from the game, you still are a god inside it. It means you can choose your own adventure. You have the right to say yes or no. That is what it means to be a god here. I am responsible for history. That, I now understand.
Blessings & Forgiveness
The key to receiving blessings and protection all falls on you and your choices. To unlock the door to peace starts and ends with forgiveness. Psalm 88:12 Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? And thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 In taking our sins to the “land cut off” and to the “land of forgetfulness,” they are not merely paid for but ultimately forgotten. Jesus paid the price for all sin this the father has cast them into the land of forgetfulness. A place where all sin goes never to return or be brought up. This means if you bring up your sin, whether past, present or future, none of the trinity will know what you are talking about. All they ask is for you to do the same.
Forgiveness means to forget. Never to be brought up. Out of sight and mind. Jesus said at the cross to forgive them for they know not what they do. After his atonement, the father did. Otherwise, why ask and not be heard? Jesus meant all of us. Past, present, future. Not the ones who were crucifying him. This is the hardest thing to do for us. The word sorry holds no weight. A grudge can live a lifetime. Shame is the culprit. Bringing up old hurting that can seem shameful for ourselves, often stop us from forgiving others. Like you lost the upper hand, therefore not forgiving someone for what they did and keeping on punishing them gives us the feeling of having the upper hand. Controlling our narrative by guarding our heart.
So, in order to forgive others, you have to figure out why you can’t let go of it after they apologized. People make mistakes but you feel they wouldn’t if you were in control. This means you love yourself more than you love others. You can’t let go because you would never do that. That is the beginning stage of protective narcissism. Building a wall of control to shield you from shame. The internet has been a brilliant test of human character. It’s a protective shield from consequence that allows people to behave how they would behave if there was no shame. We often keep silent on many thoughts we have out of politeness when in front of people but the shield of shame is up and the true nature of the person is revealed in their comments.
Personal examination, reflection and the simple truth needs to be presented if one is to start their journey towards forgetfulness. The first person that needs to be forgave is you. You have to come to the realization that you can’t control anyone else outside of your mind. Mathew 6:4 says For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you and Colossians 3:1:3 says As the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. God isn’t saying you have to forgive first between you and him. He simply is saying if you forget the incident, so does he. Memories are a choice, too. You have the power to stop yourself from thinking about it. You can intentionally forget bad memories by filling your mind with more positive things. Your brain has a limited focus, and you can only keep so many thoughts in your immediate sphere of awareness. Try to replace the negative memory by exposing your brain to something brighter.
Action is also important for forgiveness. You may be confronted by the person who wronged you. What can you do to act like nothing ever happened? Here’s the hard part. Every ounce of our being seems to want to make others hurt. Eye for an eye. But that is Old Testament. The Ten Commandments never worked because we don’t respond to commands in kind. Our fallen nature rebels against it. Our body and soul are an enemy to our spirit. The Bible says the spirit is willing but the soul is weak. I personally have problems with forgiveness. It’s not that I am not willing, my problem is that I was taught to hold grudges. Maybe a generational curse, maybe it’s from trauma, who knows, but what I need to do is unlearn what I was taught. And that is a choice. Like any habit, no one can make you stop something that is toxic. You have to want to change.
Forgiveness is doing something that doesn’t feel normal or right. It goes against our rebellious nature. We try to take control by teaching a lesson in shame and humility to those who cross us. But the only person we are truly torturing is ourselves. That’s the mind. It thinks it’s in the Truman show. Everyone is crazy, but you. Everyone is mean, yet you are a good person. Why would they do this to me? I would never respond like that. It’s like we have temporary amnesia and forget all the times we actually made mistakes. This is why Jesus called us all hypocrites, which is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform to. Choosing to forget our bad deeds while judging your victim for theirs holding them in contempt. What good does it do? When someone says they are sorry, that should be the end of their sentencing. Paid in full. Practicing such techniques takes a willing heart and a sacrifice to your ego. When you master this and choose to love your neighbor by instant forgiveness, evil can’t touch you and blessings pour over everything you touch.
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