“Childless cat ladies”??! 🫣

7 months ago

Just like making fun of the fact Kamala has no biological children, comments about “childless cat ladies” are more harmful than helpful. I understand the greater point about the fact that parents have a greater stake in this nation’s future, and that’s a worthy discussion to be had in terms of whom we elect and prop up as leaders and even mentors or heroes. However, denigrating childless people (and let’s be real, it’s always women) isn’t the way. The world isn’t black and white. Women aren’t either wives and mothers, or crazy blue hairs with ten cats. There are so many different reasons why people—men and women both—are single and/or childless. In the US, currently 1 in 4 forty year olds have never been married. That’s a huge number; clearly, whatever is going on impacts men and women both, and it’s not going to be solved by mocking, which makes us look out-of-touch and insensitive. We can hold up marriage between one man and one woman as the ideal, without shutting out those who are currently single and/or childless or single and/or childless past a certain age.

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