The Awakening - Choose Love with your Free Will ~ Max Egan

6 months ago

"Understand your own potential", "Your affect on the world around you", "The law of unconditional love"... "It's time to wake up", "Everything is energy and everything is consciousness", " Energy itself is conscious"... "We are participating in creation", "Our most powerful tool is our free will", "Free will provides us with freedom of choice", It is this freedom of choice that controls our state of consciousness", "This freedom of choice decides which energy we as individuals choose to center ourselves in"... "What is required to gain an understanding of your true nature and of the power you hold on a personal level is to gain an understanding of energy and to be aware of what type of energy you are centered in"... "The conscious energy field around you has been called many things", "Regain an understanding of reality and of our true connection to it", "Reclaim your birthright", "Turn things around and create a peaceful and empowered society", "Step away from the fear", "Wake up", "Love each other", "Understand the connection that we have to each other", "Reconnect to the heart and do the right thing", "Start each day with random acts of kindness", "Move into heart energy", "the earth is a conscious living being with complete awareness of itself", "It is consciousness itself that is evolving", "It is a question of energy... A game of free will", "A matter of choice between love and fear", "All of humanity is a single consciousness"... "Changes are indeed coming to the planet earth... There is no way to avoid these changes... They are inevitable", "But these changes are nothing to fear", "No matter how violent or painful they may at first appear to be", "It is important not to view things from a fearful perspective", "The way to deal with these changes is to remain centered in your heart", "And maintain a strong connection with the heart of the earth", "Understand that the life we are experiencing within this reality is a game of free will", "Tune into that space behind your eyes", "Move into your heart", "And unconditional Love"... In Lak'ech :-)

~ Max Igan

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