De Niro/Walken, Deer Hunter 2024! Can Trump Save De Niro? Russian Roulette Scene Like Never Seen B4!

7 months ago

Hey folks, as you may already know from my videos, YouTube considers my content harmful believe it or not, so they will not monetize me :-( I've been with them almost since day 1 just about 19 years now and it's a shame. So if anyone ever wants to make a donation please feel free to do so it would be greatly appreciated as these creations take up a lot of my time and I only create them when I do find some time but ANYTHING you donate will be donated to a great charity here locally, most likely to the hospital for sick children, so donate with confidence, here is my Paypal link

Thank you everyone for watching my creations, I appreciate the support. None of my channels are monetized so I don't make any money doing this, I just want your support so if you don't mind please subscribe and like, even comment if you could. And sharing would be awesome!

These are Trumps Accomplishments in 4 years! Page 1 of 2 this is the Facebook link -

Here is the rest of Trumps accomplishments on page 2 this is the Facebook link -

These here below are the 5 most popular videos at the moment which I've created that are going viral, if you haven't seen them already, I hope you give them all a chance and watch them when you find time, all 5 are amazing! Here are the links

This one is Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro arguing over Trump's Innocence

I also have another one going viral called Robert De Niro Pulls A 180 and Apologizes To Donald Trump! Here's the link

I also have "My Cousin Vinny Defends Trump At His Appeal Trial With REAL FACTS" that I just uploaded and it's going viral as well, here's that link

And this one is with Curly from The Three Stooges getting into a heated argument with De Niro over Trump

And finally this one is - Joe Pesci Is Pissed At Trump's Assassination Attempt Today And Chimes In + The Raw Footage Included!

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