A week roundup of Cabo San Lucas and Friday Fitness Tips for Chest and Triceps

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Have you been putting your passions and focus on hold? What are your hobbies you used to do, has it been burning inside of you to bring them back? What do you have to do to find the clarity that would allow for all of that to come back to you? While in Cabo this week I have found the ah ha of the importance of organization and to not try to take it all on at once but to start with one project, finish it and find the happiness it will bring, Time management is so key and that will allow for me to pick the piano lessons back up, cook again and do cooking classes with my husband and get back to dancing. All of these things are what bring me ultimate happiness, what is your soul searching for? For me I had to come to Cabo and slow down to find my way back to this happiness. We will showcase the fun we have had so far with a visit to #FloraFarms a catamaran boat ride and tons of relaxation by the water!

#therealmonicaadams #talkshow #show #host #CaboSanLucas #vacation #getaway #girlstime #Cabo #Mexico #girlstrip #fitness #workout #chestday #triceps #pushday #cookingclasses #passion #hobbies

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