How and Where to Store Ammunition

7 months ago

Storing ammo the right way, in the right place and in the right conditions can ensure many things:

- Compliance with federal regulations
- Reliability
- Long shelf life and usability

If you're storing your ammunition in their original packaging in a room, ensure that the room is dry. A dehumidifier is a great way to do this for spaces larger than a safe or cabinet. The most economical and top reviewed option is listed below.

For smaller spaces, you've got a few options. Damprid is a great solution for safes and cabinets and requires nothing but time to absorb moisture. It's an economical option over packets of silica gel, too - if you have the space for it. Link below.

If you don't have as much space or you're storing your ammo long term (such as in a sealed ammo can) then using silica gel is great - and there are two awesome options. The first is just a toss-in and forget about it method using silica gel packets (linked below). They are one time use and once they absorb their volume in moisture they are replaced by a new packet.

For something yet more economical, use what I use not just for my firearms and ammo, but also my 3D printing setup. And that is colour changing reusable silica gel. This stuff is awesome because you only need to buy as much as you need once! When it absorbs all the moisture it can, it changes colours and all you need to do is put it in the microwave for a few minutes. At that point it's good as new and you can toss it into a tea bag (or a custom 3D printed option like I showed in the video) and put it into your ammo can to keep things nice and dry. Link below.

Silica Gel Packets:
Reusable Colour Changing Desiccant:

And just for fun, here's a link to my wireless magnetic safe lights that everyone asks about: :)

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