IT WILL GIVE YOU GOOSEBUMPS - Elon Musk Motivational Speech 2022

7 months ago

Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, CEO of Tesla and the richest man alive, delivers one of the best motivational speeches you will ever hear.
â–ºElon Musk's book:
â–ºElon Musk audiobook:

"I would encourage you to take risks now and do something bold. I thought Tesla's chance of success were less than 10% but I accepted that." - Elon Musk

After receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from it's Wharton School of business, Elon Musk tried and failed to find a job at an internet company. He and his brother then decided to start a web software company called Zip2, and the rest is history!

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