Our Job Is To Defend Liberty - Truth Thursday | The Rob Maness Show EP 382

7 months ago

Sheriffs are the local line of the defense of liberty, if you understand the Constitution and their role in protecting citizens using that constitution. We have seen Sheriff’s stand up to protect our first amendment rights during the pandemic when churches were closed indiscriminately, and people were arrested for worshiping in public. Sheriffs can also be a key defender of our right to keep and bear arms if the office is functioning correctly and can be a bulwark against election fraud. The Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association website states “The oath sworn by the sheriff when constitutionally elected to office is significant in the fact that he or she is the first line of defense in preserving the Constitutional rights of a citizen. When we look at the Office of the Sheriff, combined with the historical powers held by that office, he stands as the upholder, defender, protector and servant to the liberties of the people within the county. In addition to upholding the law, the sheriff is also charged with upholding the supreme law, the Constitution. The law enforcement powers held by the sheriff supersede those of any agent, officer, elected official or employee from any level of government when in the jurisdiction of the county. Furthermore, it is this responsibility that grants a Sheriff the Constitutional authority to check and balance all levels of government within the jurisdiction of the County.” Former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack founded the organization and still leads it today.

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