Disney's trans business model...

6 months ago

REVEALED: @OKeefeMediaGroup reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney's G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program, which promotes the notion that being “authentically me” involves altering one’s natural body. The G.E.T. program video pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers.

Internal documents reveal that Disney’s health insurance plans — through Kaiser, HMSA, AdventHealth, and Orlando Health Cast Advantage — cover mutilation surgeries under the guise of “gender affirming care,” funded by consumer dollars.

OMG also uncovers Disney’s secret PRIDE Think Tank, part of the PRIDE Business Employee Resource Group (BERG), which is dedicated to crafting strategies to engage LGBTQ+ consumers across Disney’s products, games, marketing, and media platforms. This think tank distorts Disney’s so-called ‘family-friendly’ content with a heavy focus on sexuality aimed at children.

Stay tuned for ‘The Disney Files: Part 3’... 👀


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