India Outreach Service Testimony, Salvation, Deliverance and Healing 072524

6 months ago

Dear Pastor Greg Young G Thank and Praise God that we had a very blessed and powerful outreach meeting yesterday where around 70 to 80 people came and they were so much touched with your testimony and sharing of God’s Word in very Simply and powerfully way. They were so much touched and 41 people accepted Jesus Christ and 33 people were healed including me. I was suffering with sever headache due to accident and I called pastor William to translate but he could not come, as soon as I started translating God touched me healed completely till now feeling so energetic and have pain anymore without any medicine. 2 brothers whose levers have some kind of swelling God touched and they ate food in meeting it was digested, one sister had digginess because of the evil spirit, God delivered her instantly, Two sisters were having migraines pain, God healed they instantly, one man and woman both of them had pain pain in their lower back, God healed them instantly, some were healed from back pain, neck pain. One sister she had joints pains since three years God healed instantly and many more all glory to God.
We thank and Praise for you Pastor Greg Young G that God have been using you mightily for God’s glory. Till now we have 1200 churches all over Punjab, size of all Church 40 people.
We are so blessed to do the Ministries under your spiritual leadership.
We all are praying for you, family, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all our brothers and sisters who have been giving sacrificially for Work of God.
God bless you all

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