Current events in politics

7 months ago

The hearing with the USSS was exactly what I expected. Deflection, dodging and outright lies. She is the classic scapegoat. Exactly what I would do if I had planned the assassination of Trump. Her and all of these evil demons are the same people who impeached Trump twice while he was in office and then stole the 2020 election in a coup and now they are using lawfare to put him behind bars. They failed at all attempts and now they have failed to assassinate Trump.

When trying to figure what the truth is you have to assume the worst when it comes to the members of the Locust army. It amazes me the level of skullduggery they will use to keep power. There have been many other attempts to take out Trump even while he was President. They have been actively calling for his assassination through the media and even so called leaders on a regular basis. They claim that trump and his followers who are nothing more than patriotic Americans that want their government and our way of life restored back to the Constitutional Republic it once was. The one our founding fathers established and shed blood for. They have demonized us and put a target on our backs and make the claim that we are a threat to democracy. In reality they are have shredded our Constitution.

The recent assassination attempt has black ops written all over it. The classic bait and switch pasty op they have used sense the assassination of JFK. Our intelligence agencies are completely rogue at this time and they need to be stopped. I can’t prove it but I believe Crooks was a classic patsy who the cia promised they would give an out to if he did the job. But they took him out within a minute because dead men don’t talk. They’ve been behind all the other skullduggery so why not this one?

All of the obvious security lapses were not incompetence but they were intentionally planned

The crowd-strike data breach is related to all of this, they have planted a virus in many servers throughout the world and the recent breach of the internet is only the beginning.
To add to all of this the DNC has literally staged another coup against its own member Joe Biden just the other day. He was forced out by the same coup members behind Trumps failed assassination attempt. The timing is a dead giveaway.
The speech by Briben yesterday was a complete lie and absolutely disgusting. Many have said it was an AI generated video and at this point I would rule out anything. The FBI director Wray was uncharacteristically candid at the hearing yesterday and to me he was giving an outline of what they have planned and want you to believe. The real story will probably never be told just as JFK, 9-11, Vegas and many others. Our government is lying to us all the time.
These people are psychopathic killers and they will stop at nothing to keep power. 8 years of Obama and now 4 years of BYE DONE have left America in ruins. We are on the brink of WW111 and a global financial crisis and our country has been invaded by a foreign army of at least 15 million soldiers. To add insult to injury the cost of living has doubled sense Bye done took office. We are also 34 trillion dollars in debt and the list goes on and on.
Many Americans have been put in gulags as political prisoners under false pretenses without due process .The whole DEI insanity has turned our institutions into failures and perverts run our government. Crooked Judges, politicians, bankers, MSM personalities, Movie stars, the list goes on forever.
The MSM and the communists have turned everyday Americans against each other calling patriotic Americans who love our country a danger to our Republic. Buy Done is at the head of the pack in this. The FBI DOJ CIA Homeland security and almost all governmental agencies are under the control of these evil people. Your own government has set itself in battle array against you.
The coming months will decide the fate of our beloved America, will you stand up and fight for her or will you just call me a nutcase conspiracy fruitcake and sit on your but, watch TV and do nothing?
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