Can boiling vinegar change the weather? No, you are an idiot.

7 months ago

Mind of Steele is a weekly video podcast which aims to cover the world’s most bizarre conspiracy theorists. It is, of course, named after Mark Steele, Britain’s ludicrous conspiracy theorist - but the person we will meet today makes Steele look like some kind of genius by comparison. I know just how implausible that sounds, but stay with me for a moment:

Colin Wyatt must be a contender for the World’s Stupidest Man award because his words are so stupid they defy our comprehension. Gary’s ideas do offence to common sense and our most fundamental understanding of reality. And despite all the evidence we have of his advanced cretinization, he’s not too stupid to appear on the Richard Vobes daily podcast.

Colin believes that he can change the weather, and defeat chemtrails simply by boiling a vat of vinegar in is back garden. How could this possibly work? Colin will be the first to admit that he’s not a scientist and doesn’t know but he’s 100% sure it works, and he wants us all to invest in the machinery we will all need to send vinegar fumes into the heavens above.

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