6 months ago

As the Creator and Son of God, Jesus stood in front of the Jewish people and patiently taught them eternal truths. He said it was impossible to serve God and Lucifer at the same time.

The Jews were forced to give loyalty to the Romans, but it was also necessary to pledge loyalty to the synagogue system. They had multiple masters and were loyal to none. The God-man told them to choose one. The problem is that while the soul-damaged Jews prayed to the Lord, they didn’t trust the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus showed supernatural power through the miracles He performed and said that God would look after them and meet their needs if they repented.

The God-man was not only speaking to that generation in Galilee, but to future generations who would be born again. God the Father has a plan for your life, and when you join His team at the moment of salvation, you are enrolled in the greatest insurance program in the universe.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1913 -- MAY 21, 2023

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