Gen Z (Zoroastrian): Your Father the Devil Wants You To 'Come To Daddy'. Friday 726. READ WARNING.

7 months ago

WARNING: Contains scenes of horror. If you're easily frightened, don't watch.

Aphex Twin video 'Come to Daddy' provides terrifying visual insight of the horrors that awaits those Left Behind. Tell-a-Vision Programming. Blends well with I Pet Goat Satanic Media. The Zoroastrian Gen Z Legion is coming... They're already programmed, and they're chomping at the bit to have a go at the world, just to see it burn.

It's not hard to see why The Simpsons seems to get so much right, like Kamala, the Wh*re of Babylon becoming President of Babylon, when Time Magazine has their covers ready and their articles written in advance. It's because it's a script, and the same script is simply done in different formats, for different demographics.

Did the real Flash Bang pass away in 2018? Who's this Zom-B in office currently? Speaking of I Pet Goat, did you know 'Kamala' means lotus flower? And her maiden name 'Devi' means consort to Shiva the Destroyer? Rev 17:3-5

1 Peter 5:8 Jesus is the only way. We battle against spiritual powers in high places, not simply men behaving evilly. The enemy roars, and when he comes your direction, he will manifest as your worst fears. Without Jesus, you simply will not be prepared.

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