Age Old Cycle of Life | Perilous World Radio 7/25/24

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Today's episode of the Perilous World Radio was a wild ride with host Alan Masters and the ever-entertaining Mike Jones. Alan got real and shared his inner struggles with self-doubt and anxiety, making the show all the more relatable. He talked about conquering fears and embracing the moment, echoing the inspiring words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. As if that wasn't enough, Alan even delved into the age-old question of how many times we need to bang our heads against the same wall before we learn. It's like Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." But hey, we've all been there, right? In the end, it's all about living an examined life, just like Socrates said. So, let's break the cycle and rock on!

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