The CCP Continues to Thrive at the Expense of Americans and Hard-Working Chinese

2 months ago

07/19/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776: The CCP's continued prosperity comes not only at the expense of Americans but also at the expense of hardworking Chinese. Chinese workers are paid meager wages and live in an environment of ubiquitous air pollution, water pollution, and food pollution. They have been sacrificing their health to produce cheap goods for the CCP.
#Vance #USA #CCP #Labor #Pollution #Economic Exploitation

07/19/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共持续的繁荣不仅以美国人的利益为代价,也牺牲了勤劳的中国人的利益。中国劳工的工资薪酬非常低,他们生活在无处不在的空气污染、水污染和食品污染的环境中,一直在牺牲自己的健康来为中共生产廉价商品。
#万斯 #美国 #中共 #劳工 #污染 #经济剥削

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