The crew of a Russia Ka-52M VKS helicopter attacked units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

7 months ago

#Russia #Россия #RussianDefenceMinistry #МинобороныРоссии #RussianAirForce #ВВСРоссии #АрмияРоссии #RussianArmy: The crew of the Ka-52M VKS helicopter struck units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group of troops: Экипаж вертолета Ка-52М ВКС нанес удар по подразделениям ВСУ в зоне ответственности группировки войск «Восток»: :The crew of the army aviation on the Ka-52M helicopter carried out an attack with unguided aircraft missiles against the enemy's stronghold and manpower in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group of troops.

The strike was carried out by unguided S-8 aircraft missiles and Vikhr guided aircraft missiles at specified coordinates.

After using aircraft weapons, the crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield.

“Today we performed a combat flight. On command from the regiment command post, we took off from the home airfield. The flight was carried out at extremely low altitudes. They fired with S-8 KOM unguided missile weapons. According to the report of the forward air controller, the target was hit. After which we fired off heat traps and returned to the home airfield. The flight passed without incident or any mishaps,” said Alexander, navigator of the Ka-52m reconnaissance and attack helicopter.

According to the reports of the forward aircraft gunner, all of the indicated targets were successfully hit. The flight went as usual.

Russian Defense Ministry.

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